Educational Leadership

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Educational Leadership


Schools are educational institutions where students are taught the skills and are shared with experiences of practical life and where teachers impart cultural knowledge. Educational leadership requires constructing capacity at all levels in order to encourage students for a better learning and an increased performance. Professionals and politicians must agree on a common scheme that can be used to transform low-performing educational institutions into highly performing learning communities. (Peterson, 250-261)

My Ideal School

Following are the most prominent features of my school:

The school is not an independent and not a sole decision-making power. It is presumed that children need to appreciate the cognitive, emotional and social developmental aspects.

The school is based on the values of individual exertion and social responsibility.

Students are addressed as people in a societal circumstances and the judgment of their educational, personal, and social, irrespective of the culture, gender, or ability.

The evaluation is mainly handled by the school teachers in collaboration with students and their parents.

The stress is on closely supervising the student's progress and former discussion should be necessary for extra back up.

Consultation is offered by experts.

School professors and teachers (including the social and health professionals) have the knowledge and skills to tackle the kinds of varieties offered by the students.

Students are helped to learn in a flexible environment where collaborative learning is overriding in amalgamated groups, but students can, however, determine if they experienced, instantly, as part of a working group or in solitude.

Parents will have a significant influence in the decisions regarding the school performances of their children. (Peterson, 250-261)

My School's Vision

The basic vision of my school is to provide the students with an educational experience that can contribute to their development and growth. I want the children studying in my school to grow up and value the ...
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