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Applied Concept of E-business

Applied Concept of E-business

The subject of e-business has been subjected to extensive research in the last few decades. As globalization has continued to bring the world closer, it has become more necessary to ensure that the flow of communication in business becomes seamless and the barriers in business conduction are removed (Jackson, Harris, & Eckersley, 2003). This paper will attempt to shed light on the applied concept of e-business; specifically with regard to the manner in which awareness regarding e-business influences the effective engagement of business partners in e-business.

The increasing emergence of new technologies has meant that the topography of the business world tends to change frequently and quickly. Whole industry sectors are finding the need to keep up with the changes in this landscape and are looking for guidance and direction. There are a number of challenges and difficulties that come forth when e-business is considered (Weill & Vitale, 2001). Some of the most significant challenges in the area of e-business come forth as a result of the lack of awareness regarding the risks and benefits e-business.

A deficiency in awareness regarding e-business makes it complicated to bring business partners on the same level where all the business partners can be expected to hold an adequate extent of information regarding the rules and regulations that are applicable in the e-business scenario (Jackson & Suomi, eBusiness and workplace redesign, 2002). Furthermore, this deficiency in awareness also leads to the development of a scenario where there are technological incompatibilities that make it difficult to engage in e-business and to conduct e-business effectively. Challenges such as these are further complicated by the fact that business partners forget that the conduction of e-business requires more than engagement in the online buying and selling of goods. The online buying and selling of goods is an action whereas e-business is a formal practice that is facilitated by the presence of the internet.

When business partners are not adequately aware of the technological perimeters that are required for the effective conduction of e-business, the reasons leading to errors tend to increase. This increases the capacity for unprecedented mistakes that can lead to the misplacement of data that may be essential to the business deal (Whyte & Whyte, 2001). As a result, the lack of awareness regarding the technological requirements that are incorporated in e-business can make all the difference between an effectively executed e-business strategy and an over-complicated business strategy.

Businesses attempting to engage in e-business generally give very little to no consideration to the differences that separate e-business from e-commerce. As a result of such deficiencies in awareness regarding e-business, it becomes essential to ensure that an engagement into e-business is preceded by the development of an insight into the intricacies of e-business.

Business tend to overlook the small yet significant fact that they need to do more than engage in e-commerce in order to engage in effective e-business. This is because of the fact that while e-commerce is the essential act of trade between ...
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