Early Childhood Trauma Experiences

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Early Childhood Trauma Experiences

Early Childhood Trauma Experiences


It is every person's dream to live a misery and trouble free life; however, seldom does it happen to any person present on the earth. On the contrary, every human being in this world is subjected to some kind of trouble or even trauma, in one form or another, and those traumas or troubles live with that person throughout his/her life, and even haunt them and make their lives miserable by rendering numerous disturbing psychological impacts, on their memory and behavior.

numerous individuals, some time ago would have thought that the modern world, on the basis of its advancement, progression, facilitation of lives, and broadened horizon of its beings, would have made this world a lot better place to live, and would have lessened the miseries of the individuals which they experience in their lives. Unfortunately, the modern time is no where close to attain that objective. In fact, in numerous instance, the scholars or philosophers have blamed the entombments of the current era for making the lives of the inhabitants, more miserable, rather than facilitative. The circumstances around us, most of the times compel us to bring forth the undesirable and inhuman aspect of personality, and commit such offenses, which are not only detrimental to our own senses, but also for the one's who are affected by our actions. Unfortunately, children are the constant and most common victims of the ill acts that occur around them, and hence, they carry the burden of those traumatic events with them throughout their lives.

Delicacy of Childhood

Childhood is the most delicate stage of human being's life. The delicacy of this stage is not confined to a single aspect. Childhood is deemed as the formal commencement of one's life in this world. Therefore, it is highly imperative that this commencement of life, initiates with a smooth ride to this world, so that this smoothness may be carried along by that individual in the later stages of his life, as well. Moreover, a child is naïve and uninstructed, so whatever he experiences in his life, and whatever he sees, will play a very essential role in enlightening him regarding the world and its numerous facets. Interestingly, the child will mould his opinions and perceptions about the world, regarding the experiences the world renders to him. Therefore, we have seen numerous adolescents or adults, having a negative approach towards different aspects of the worlds and the happenings in it, which clearly depicts their unhealthy experiences in their lives or past.

Numerous Traumatic Experiences in Childhood

Unfortunately, not only in other parts of the world, but also in America, there are numerous instances in which the children are prone towards several traumatic experiences, which play a pivotal role in not only making their childhood a miserable time period of their lives, but also they tend to carry the burden of those bitter experiences throughout their lives. Unfortunately, even America, who is believed to be amongst the most developed, and undoubtedly ...
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