Childhood Experience

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Childhood experience

Childhood experience


The purpose of writing this paper is to narrate the event that I have experienced during my childhood. Everyone human being goes through different sort of situation in different phases of life. Some memorize or recall it as a good experience others remember it as a sad experience. The event I have chosen to discuss is unfortunately a sad experience, and it is something that I wish to forget. In this paper, I will share a real event that regarding our home when we had a fire and it destroyed all our belongings.

Discussion & Analysis

Our home caught on fire while my family was at school and work. Fortunately, the fire department arrived quickly and put the fire out before it completely burned to the ground. The damage was extensive. Fire, smoke and water damage destroyed almost everything in the house. The fire started in the clothes dryer in the laundry room. Unfortunately, Charlotte, our dog, was home alone and was not able to escape the fire. We lost her. Our insurance company looked at the cost to tear the charred structure down and rebuild it from the ground up. They next looked at removing the fire damage and renovating the house. After having numerous contractors evaluate the cost of each option, the insurance company decided it would be more cost effective to remove the fire damage and renovate the house. It was suppose to take less time than tear down and rebuild.

We had lived in our home for more than 10 years. I had two siblings, one sister and 1 brother. At the time, we were in our teens. Everything we owned was destroyed or too damage to salvage. We lost our toys, games, computers, play stations, clothes, pictures, books and Charlotte. Everything that was dear to us had gone. It was traumatic. When we awoke that dreadful morning and hurried off to our daily activities, we had no idea what we were about to experience and how our lives were about to change. We had no clue how difficult the task ahead of us was going to be. The disruption of our lives was more traumatic than the "things" we lost in the fire. The immediate effect was the realization of having no place to sleep. We stayed with friends for the first few days until we could find a house to rent. The rental house ...
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