Dream Job

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Dream Job

Dream Job


My dream job is to become a project manager at a newly formed space exploration corporation. I want to be involved in a three person manned mission to go to planet mars and come back to earth within 580 days. The essay includes various specifications related to the three manned mission, compensation and benefits package for my job description, performance appraisal program and other details (O'Callahan, 2011).

Project manager is generally meant to handle project management. As a project manager, my responsibilities will be to include planning, executing and closing the project. Relating to the technical side, project manager is concerned with the engineering, computing architecture and telecommunications. Project manager is generally accountable for the accomplishment of the project objectives. The main project management responsibilities comprise of developing clear and attainable project objectives, constructing project requirements, management of triple constraints for the project along with its cost, time and space. The project manager is also responsible to meet the requirements of the client; one should represent and implement one's project in such a way. Project manager must have the ability to adapt several internal processes of the contracting party, form close ties with the nominated representatives which is important to ensure the main issues of cost, time, and quality and client satisfaction (Silverthorne, 2004).

The newly formed space exploration corporation have to be an agency of the United States government. The hypothetical name given to this space exploration corporation for this essay is 'Tara'. Tara is responsible for the space program, aerospace and aeronautics research. The mission of Tara is to conduct space exploration, aeronautics research and scientific discovery. It is important that the company has government support and funding for its operations. For the future, Tara aims to support International Space Station with the development of Commercial Crew Vehicles and Orion Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle. Tara also aims to be responsible for the launch operations, unmanned launches and launch service program. Tara Space Exploration Corporation aims for the discovery and exploration of outer space through space technology.

Mission to Mars

Mars has been an attractive space exploration site for the United States, Europe, Russia and Japan. The mission to mars aims for the collection of data related to the existing conditions and answering questions about the history of Mars. Scientific community expects that the questions raised will give a better appreciation to Mars and will also result in the in-depth knowledge of the past and possibly future Earth. The manned mission to mars is highly complex, costly with high rate of losses in the past and with many variables involved in the journey. Why Mars has been always interesting for exploration because scientifically Mars is the most Earth-like planet in our solar system.

We now know it once had water and a thicker atmosphere more like ours. Like the Earth it's also tilted on its axis, has four distinct annual seasons, poles at the northern and southern tips, and polar caps. Of any other planet, Mars has the greatest potential ...
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