Doing Business In Another Country

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Doing Business in another Country

Doing Business in another Country


Doing business in the home country is quite easier than that of commencing business in another country which causes to put the entrepreneur at the greater challenge. This paper intends to expound the procedure of doing business in another country while considering the specification of that particular country such as culture, business ethics, and business strategy, readiness to diversity, demographics, language, economics, infrastructure, political stability, communication, and requirement of human resources (Benham, 2013). However, all of this would be undertaken on the basis of country information and its strategic position in the global market. Since, operating business in other countries requires more than just knowledge of language and culture but it also requires the communication on the international level that includes the knowledge of market, basic business etiquettes of the host country, and the in depth understanding of consumer patterns and trends.

The country which has been selected in the study to operate a business is UAE where particularly Dubai has been considered and the selected business is tourism. The specification of Dubai will help in understanding the business culture which will also likely to assist in interacting more effectively with the clients. The key consideration for the entrepreneurs while starting their business in Dubai is that the UAE holds the cosmopolitan nature of the population. Dubai has been selected for the pursue of business throughout the United Arab Emirates mainly because it is the most populous emirate of the seven emirates of the UAE. This is because the eighty per cent of the population are non locals and come from around the world. However, the tourism business requires the entrepreneurs to consider the diversity as the clients would not only be local Emiratis but they would from any culture. Obviously, dealing with the American client would require relatively different approach than that of approaching the Indian or Japanese client (World Business Culture, 2012). Therefore, the basic research on the demographics of the Dubai as well as the other countries' culture is quite important before entering into the business of tourism.


The United Arab Emirates has fundamentally established itself as the prime location and one of the most coveted tourism destinations throughout the world. Specifically, Dubai is considered as the most attractive and spectacular tourist destinations along with its strong infrastructure which ostensibly attracts more than two millions of people across the world every year. Its prime locations and tourism events remarkably hit the largest market. However, the shopping malls have also found to be the greatest source of attraction in the Dubai for the visitors where most of the tourists visit Dubai for the sake of shopping (Jain, 2013). Therefore, tourism business in Dubai has the big market as every year a big stream of people come to Dubai only for the purpose of visiting. The event of Dubai Shopping Festival also attracts millions of people throughout the world to become the part of this fabulous ...
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