Ethical & Social Responsibility

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It has been seen that with the passage of time different countries are opening up their businesses in different countries. There are times when the political and economical conditions of other countries get problematic but a good organization (a good business) never takes any decision abruptly. In fact, there are many individuals who are involved in planning a program which assists organization whether to keep on doing business in the same country or shut down the operations. On the other hand, it is a business responsibility to participate in different causes which are needed by the country where it is operated. Social responsibility of a business is all about providing better services to the people - the end customers.


It has been observed that different businesses are operated in multiple countries. This makes them international businesses. There are times when another country faces difficulties in terms of riots, violence and strikes etc. in such situation a business should not get hyper and take abrupt decisions. It is of great importance for him to analyze the situation, plan things accordingly and then execute the plan with the help of the managers located in different departments in order to meet the target. Similar case is discussed under the discussion section in order to make it clear and free from ambiguities.


Current State of the Country

It has been noticed that the country in which the operations of the company are taking place, Pakistan, is facing a phase which is surrounded by different problems, lacunas and threats. There is news that many of the issues are faced by the mentioned country because of multiple reasons. There are many individuals who are trying to leave the county in order to live a better and secured life because of the riots, problems and uncertainties faced by them. Previously, the country was doing really well in terms of trade, finance and peace of the state. Recently some problems have occurred on the basis of which violence has been seen in different parts of the country. Even the political conditions are facing instability. Government is trying to take different actions and measures in order to make the conditions better. For this different programs and plans have been derived and introduced to shorten the amount of violent activities in the country. It has also been noticed that there are unplanned offs which are occurred due to the strikes called upon by the country's political parties in terms of transportation strikes and working strikes etc. These conditions have to be properly faced by the company in order to operate properly, the way they used to be operated earlier.

Revenue Generation and Performance

It has been noticed and observed that the company has earned a lot of profit in the last few years from Pakistan. The products and services are selling like hot cakes. The market is fully developed for the business. There have been different observations recorded by the company's higher management. They include better productivity, increase in sales and emphasis ...
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