Diabetes Among Hispanic Population

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Diabetes among Hispanic Population

Diabetes among Hispanic Population



Hispanic population is living in United States with the ratio of one in ten. They have two times more risks to develop diabetes (Mendivil et al, 2013). The consequences of diabetes in Hispanics encompass blindness, irreversible diseases of kidney, and amputations of lower extremities of the body parts (Ell et al, 2010). Once, the diabetes occurred only in adults, but it is developing in adolescents and children, particularly in the current scenario. The Hispanics children and adolescents are also susceptible to diabetes.

Project for Diabetic Hispanics

With respect to the increasing ratio of diabetes in Hispanic population, the project to reduce the complications will be arranged in the community centre where the majority of Hispanics lives. The project will start with the survey concerning the incidence of diabetes in Hispanics. For this purpose, there is lot of data available on internet, providing the statistics with respect to the region as well as the age of the individuals. Furthermore, several researchers have conducted the survey and proposed various steps in order to prevent the disease as well as the complications of the disease. The survey will assist in gathering the evidence of disease, its causes, the most vulnerable population group to the disease, possible complications, rate of mortality and morbidity, as well as the effectiveness of existing programs for controlling diabetes, particularly with respect to the Hispanics (Hay et al, 2012).

Following the survey, the next step will be the selection of the location and arranging the awareness session for Hispanics. In this regard, the assistance of the healthcare organizations either local or international along with the governing bodies is essential. There will be various barriers in delivering the information and thus achieving the goal. The most important barrier is the language and communication. Hispanics often have ...
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