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Diabetes unlike any other disease tends to stretch itself to the whole course of the life and many tend to consider it a health condition as opposed to a disease. There are about 2.8 million people diagnosed with diabetes in the United Kingdom and more than 120 million people worldwide. However, there are about 370 million people who tend to suffer through this disease but remain unaware. Diabetes has seen an increase worldwide in the year 2010 and even the developed countries remained a victim to it. United States tend to serve as one the bright examples in the context of this paper. Following table tends to highlight the diagnosed and undiagnosed patients of the diabetes in the year 2010 (ww.diabetes.niddk.nih.gov).


Number or percentage who have diabetes

20 years and above

11.3 percent of the total population within this age group fell to this disease. This percentage is interpreted as 25.6 million people.

65 years and above

26.9 percent of the total population fell to this disease. This percentage is translated as 10.9 million people


11.8 percent of the total population fell to this disease. However, this is translated as 13.0 million men aged 20 years and above.


10.8 Percent of the total population fell to this disease. This is interpreted as 12.6 million women aged 20 years and above.

Non-Hispanic Whites

10.2 percent of the total population fell to this disease. This percentage is translated as 15.7 million people among the Non-Hispanic population aged 20 years and above.

Non-Hispanic Blacks

18.7 percent of the total population fell to this disease. However, this is translated as 4.9 million people among Non-Hispanic blacks aged 20 years and above.

Diabetes is a condition where the amount of glucose in your blood is too high because the body fails to utilize it appropriately. This is because the pancreas fails to produce the required insulin to help glucose enter the body's cells. However, in some cases the insulin which is produced does not serve its purpose which is known as insulin resistance. Insulin is the hormone coded for chromosome 11 and synthesized in the beta-cells of islets of Langerhans located in pancreas. Insulin is the main hormone that allows glucose to enter the body's cells. Where it is converted into energy and thus enables us to perform our daily routine with much more effort and efficiency.

In order to remain healthy, the glucose level should remain consistent thus any discrepancy in this regard can greatly hamper an individual's performance and can even facade threat to life. The glucose level in the blood and the insulin level tend to be directly related to each other. If the glucose level in the blood tends to increase than under normal circumstances the level of the hormone insulin should increase. Thus, the fact should be kept in mind that the glucose level in the blood tends to increase after eating. Soon after an individual tends to eat the insulin comes into action and acts on the cells of the body. It allows the cells to extract glucose from the ...
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