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Personal and Professional Development

Personal and Professional Development

Assignment No. 1


Personal and professional development program is the process, whose central idea is to improve the understanding ability of learning, and to review, plan and take responsibility of learning. Personal development programs help students to get most the experience by participating in different development and awareness raising programs (Mittendorff et. al., 2008, pp. 75-91). As a matter of fact, employers these days are not just concerned about the academic records of candidates, but are looking for a variety of competencies and other potential skills which can help them in the long term, and personal and professional development programs gives ground to flourish these skills. A degree qualification alone is no longer a guarantee of securing a good job; however, they look for graduates who can demonstrate exceptions skills and qualities (Bennett, 2006, pp. 13-15).

Personal and professional development process help them to fully understand the importance of taking the ample amount of time to develop a broad spectrum of skills and raise the awareness regarding the opportunities for skills' development (Ottewil, 2002. Pp. 13-14). In this assignment, I will discuss different skills and professional needs and will further demonstrate the development opportunities and plan to achieve the intended goals.

1.1 Approaches of Self Managed Learning

Self managed to learn focuses on the individual's responsibility for learning in a way that reflects the natural learning process unlike the traditional approach of being taught. As a matter of fact, self managed learning is rooted firmly in organizational needs so that an individual can fit according to the requirements of the organization. Self managed learning is all about collective responsibility, where learners complement each other and participate actively in the learning process of others. Self managed learning is more concerned about the process rather than content.

The essential advantage of this process can be said to be the multifaceted learning achieved by the participants (Lizzio et. al., 2006, pp. 689-703). The suitability of self managed to learn depends on the context in which it is applied. However, the need as a matter of fact changes with the passage of time, so do self managed learning. Following are the different approaches of the self managed learning:


The central idea behind this learning is the learning about learning, at a strategic level that complements the change. This approach holds that acquiring different skills and competencies are irrelevant if there is a lack of fundamental change in the mindsets and mental framework. Learning to learn and identifying the resources is vital than the content needed for change, this means the paradigm shift is more significant than just having extra burden of knowledge. Strategic Learning

The approach of self managed to learn deals with the complex and fast moving business environments. As a matter of fact, business managers constantly take the decision for the organization; however, those decisions direct the future outcome of the organization. This approach keeps the managers a breast with the organizational issues and helps them to deal with ...
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