Developing An Effective Brand Name

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Developing an Effective Brand Name

Developing an Effective Brand Name

Branding the Brands

Brand names are to products or services as identity is to human beings. Brand name is one of the greatest and the strongest power of the brands. It is an inherent part of the brand success and promotion; leaving no mark in identifying with the brand in all the ways. It is more than just a word or a phrase; as it reflects, it is one of the most powerful signals that identifies with the brand or service. In addition to identifying with the brand, a brand name actually “defines” it; illustrating its characteristics and reflecting what is indented (Blackcoffee, Brand Expression, n.d).

Guidelines for Developing an Effective Brand Name

Gallagher & Savard (2009) ponder upon the topic of the brand name and its creation while laying out the core guidelines for developing one. Creating and conjuring up a name that holistically defines, illustrates and reflects the brand and is distinctive in nature is a delicate and intricate process, requiring utmost detail and attention. In order to create one of the most effective brand names and identities, the branding companies and think tank must keep in mind that the brand name is:

Distinctive and Differentiated


Uncomplicated in Phonetics

Possesses Ability of Trademarking


Differentiation refers to the quality of the name that is unique and entirely different from any other names in the industry. A different, unique and sometimes bizarre thing catches the attention more than any common thing or a name. People get attracted to the names and identities that are different and sound unique. With the brand names qualifying for this quality, the identity of the brand is secure; it is secure in a sense that people remember the odd thing more as it is human nature that the more they find something unusual than normal, the more they seem to remember and recognize it readily.

Durability or Longevity

World is constantly a dynamic flux; it changes facets and trends in less than a month or sometimes week. Moreover, with the influx and rise of globalization trends in one part of the world easily and conveniently reach to the other end and become common or fade away quickly. Therefore, branding a product or a service on catchy phrase that is common for a time being or is related to a spur of the movement drift does not bear the durability ...
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