Positioning And Differentiation

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Positioning and Differentiation

Positioning and Differentiation

Positioning and Differentiation


After segmentation and market targeting, the next important step in developing an effective marketing strategy is positioning. This entails designing and representing a product or organization so that it will occupy a distinct and valued place in the consumer's mind (Carlson, 2009).

A company selects themes and concepts to communicate its own or its products' distinctiveness to the target segment. Positioning refers to the way in which an organization sets itself apart in the market and how its products and services are perceived by the target market as a whole. Positioning strategies are based upon the benefits being offered to the consumers. The original concepts on positioning where developed by marketers Al Ries and Jack Trout.

Position and Differentiation

The concept of positioning in marketing is a concept broad theoretical application within the marketing community. We take as the current reference Kotler and Armstrong's definition of the positioning is the process of designing the company's image and value offered so that the customer segment and understand The offer values ??the company relative to its competitors. The strategic weight placement increases since the 90 in its application in all sectors, including health. If is certainly verified that the health sector in its application had been lower, as suggested should not ask how to apply health, but as can organizations afford not to. The positioning provides strategic methodology to answer the questions Health key right now of where to focus efforts, where to invest resources, either new hires or new investments in facilities, "Positioning have Always been some present to the degree in health But care field WAS relativamente done in a Manner Unconscious - by Rather Than accident by design. Now with intense competition and the Need to define and redefine the image and mission of health care Organizations and to add and drop product lines, hospitals and others seek to position consciously Must Themselves. Otherwise, their competition May do it in an unflattering manner "(Mullin, 2007).

The positioning in health services should be, according to San Augustine et al. (1992), a strategic tool, a concept and process that centers use to create perceptions specific attributes and differentiated benefits in relation its competitors.

It defines the premises to consider: positioning takes place in the arena of physical and psycho-sociological market perceptions relating to consumer provider occur in the context of knowledge and memory total experience accumulated by the consumer, the positioning requiring the development of full marketing mix, post- the definition of strategic positioning and finally the Positioning can be accessed through appropriate market research tools. All based on a joint from the competition. "A health care provider with an established position is limited Can expect it in what to include in STI position (Shank, 2009).

Positioning and Differentiation for Health care Organization

A provider of Identified with A service name is in the minds of decision makers. That name, and the Knowledge and attitude it evoked in people's minds, are the provider's ...
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