Strategic Marketing

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Strategic Marketing

Strategic Marketing

Answer Number 1

Market Segmentation

Market Segmentation means shattering down the total market into self comprised and relatively homogeneous subgroups of customers, each owning its own special requirements and characteristics. This enables the business to modify its output, advocating notes and promotional procedures to correspond to the desires of specific segments. Accurate segmentation permits the firm to pinpoint selling possibilities and to tailors it's trading activities to persuade on buyer needs.

Through the method of market segmentation, there are certain variables to recognize clientele assemblies, such as desires, earnings geographical, position, buying habits and other characteristics as well, we can focus on the components of the market that it can assist best and make great profit.

Importance of Market Segmentation

Due to the detail that assets are limited. Therefore, all business will minimize their assets and maximize their profit to gain their advantage. In order not to waste any times and cash on encouraging their production in the incorrect direction. Market segmentation is required to location their product's market possibilities, gain competitive benefit and goal marketing undertaking on promotion. In market segmentation one learns to understand how the hospitality industry has developed in different regions of the world

Carry out a spirited analysis, using the Five Forces model

Explain segmentation, positioning and differentiation plan in the hospitality business

Understand the role of brand name in hospitality industry.


To get a product or service to the right clientele, a marketer would firstly segment the market, then target a lone segment or series of segments, and eventually place inside the segment's.

Segmentation is essentially the identification of subsets of purchasers within a market who share alike desires and who demonstrate alike purchaser demeanor. The world is made up from billions of buyers with their own sets of desires and demeanor. Segmentation aspires to match assemblies of purchasers with the identical set of desires and purchaser demeanor. Such an assembly is renowned as a 'segment'.


After the market has been separated into its segments, the marketer will choose a segment or series of segments as a goal. Assets and effort will be aimed at the segment. Bang here to glimpse single merchandise to lone segment sketch.

In this case, the marketer goals a lone merchandise offering at a lone segment in a market with numerous segments.

In the second example, (click here for sketch) the marketer ignores the differences in the segments, and chooses to aim a lone product at all segments i.e. the entire market. This is typical in 'mass marketing' or where differentiation is less important than cost.

In the multi-segment approach (click here for sketch) the marketer will target a variety of distinct segments with a sequence of differentiated goods. This is usual in the motor commerce.


After segmenting a market and then aiming at a buyer, one advances to place merchandise within that market. Positioning is all about 'perception'. As perception disagrees from individual to individual, so do the results of the positioning exercise. For example, what you perceive as value, worth ...
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