Fair trade aims to integrate developing countries into the global trading system. Fair trade aims to integrate developing countries into the global trading system. The coffee could be described as an emblem of fair trade as it is the best-known product by the public and most present in stores. Today's market conditions are extremely difficult for coffee producers. The price of coffee does not allow them to cover their production costs and therefore their most basic needs, at the same time. Overproduction leads to lower prices. As for the roasters, who are in an oligopoly, they developed techniques that help reduce farmers' incomes by buying lower quality coffee and the subsequent reprocessing. As a result, coffee has become one of the most representative trade inequalities. In addition, coffee is a consumer product, it was easier to educate consumers in North and exit on fair trade anonymity through it.
Target market
The target market of JTA Coffee Shop is working population. On daily basis, coffee is consumed mostly by the working people. Placing JTA Coffee Shop near the busier coffee shop is important to increase the demand and awareness of the product. So, the first priority of JTA Coffee shop to target potential consumers is the working population and youth. It is required from JTA Coffee shop to create such an environment which could facilitate and comfort both classes.
The competitor of JTA coffee shop would be all the snack and coffee shops nearby. JTA should have a competitive edge so that it can attract and retain as much maximum number of customers as possible. This would make the business earn both profit and goodwill.
JTA Coffee Shop
Before the opening of the JTA coffee shop, and during the first months of operation, it is essential to know one's own business. Word of mouth is certainly a powerful weapon of promotion, but also a well-organized campaign can bear fruit. For example, one can rely on the specialized agencies for the distribution of brochures, business cards, brochures, leaflets intrigued by the potential customers effectively communicating information to the JTA coffee shop, and especially it is distinctive and strong quality and taste.
Marketing Plan
The measurement process is a fundamental aspect of marketing research. The measurement of marketing phenomena is essential to the process of providing meaningful information for decision-making. Issues that are commonly measured are the market potential for a new product, buyers groups according to demographic or psychotropic characteristics, attitudes, perceptions and preferences of buyers to a brand new, or determine the effectiveness of the new campaign advertising. The marketing plan will help the organization to monitor the monthly and annual sales revenues and expenses. Moreover, it will direct the entire organization to the customer satisfaction and development of different models as per customer needs.
Marketing Mix
The product brand strategy performed by segmentation of consumers based on demographic and psycho descriptive criteria, which are then broken down by target groups. Based on the structure of needs of various target ...