Designing and Implementation of a New Booking System (Software) For a Dental Practice
Several healthcare processes are comprised of clinical actions that span over various independently managed healthcare organizations. Reserving resources for such healthcare processes implies the interoperation of independently managed healthcare organizations , which information systems are often based on proprietary solutions , and developed in piecemeal way. Reserving clinical resources in such an environment is problematic due to the autonomy and heterogeneity of the healthcare organizations information systems. Moreover , many healthcare processes have timing constraints , which complicate the reservation process. In particular , neither optimal resource allocation methods nor traditional transaction models can be deployed in a loosely coupled environment consisting of autonomous systems. In this paper , we present a new transaction model , called 2-phase reservation transaction , which can be used to ensure that clinical resources are reserved in an atomic way , and which minimize the efforts required for undoing the effects of the canceled clinical reservations. We also present how 2-phase reservation transactions can be implemented in Service Oriented Architecture by exploiting WS-Coordination. In addition , we present how Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) can be used in specifying the transactional requirements of the clinical resource reservation processes.
Table Of Contents
System Operation Principles6
Advantages For Patients7
Advantages For Specialists8
Advantages For Reception Personnel9
Modern Clinical Management14
Digital Clinical Records- Primary Dental Care16
Human Cognitive Performance17
Supporting Clinical Cognitive Performance19
Digital Practice Management And Administration21
Barriers To dental Patient Scheduling22
Scheduling Implications22
Case study- Automated Booking System for Dental Care23
Requirements Analysis26
System Design27
Schedule module30
Performance Module31
Strategy Modle32
System Process35
Phase 1: Registering Request35
Phase 2: Checking Strategies36
Phase 3: Arrange Appointment38
Reservation Proces And Two Phase Reservation Transaction41
Modeling Transactional Healt Care Procesess by BPMN42
2-Phase Composed Reservation Transaction44
Negative Points54
Positive points55
Alternative solutions55
Designing and Implementation of a New Booking System (Software) For a Dental Practice
Frequently healthcare processes are comprised of many clinical actions. For example , in a healthcare processes a blood test may precede other physical examinations. Also the actions of a process may span over many independently managed healthcare organizations. As a result , reserving resources for a healthcare process requires the interoperation of many healthcare organizations. Clinical actions often have mutual timing constraints. For example , a timing constraint may state that X-ray must be taken one day before radiologist's office hour , and blood test must be taken at least one week before radiographer's office hour. Further , there may be a variety of patient specific timing constraints , e.g. , in order to minimize the number of patient's visits on clinical units , blood test and electrocardiogram should be scheduled for the same afternoon.
In most cases healthcare processes or their subsets should be atomic. Hence , also the clinical resource reservation processes should also provide atomicity features. For example , patient's reservation on X-ray machine may be useless if the reservation on patient's ambulance transportation to the laboratory fails , or reservation on radiologist may be useless if the reservation on X-ray machine ...