Designing A Research Survey Plan

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Designing a Research Survey Plan

Designing a Research Survey Plan


Survey research is a widely used method of collecting data in quantitative research. Survey research is executed with the use of structured interviews and questionnaires for gathering data and then generalizing the results to a larger group (Creswell, 1994). The survey helps a researcher in obtaining a numeric and quantitative description of opinions, attitudes, behaviors, ideas, beliefs and perception of a larger population by analyzing a sample selected from that population. The researchers mainly use this tool when they need to study a relatively larger group of people in the shortest span of time. Before actually starting survey research, it is necessary to develop an appropriate research plan. Research plan actually notifies the procedures to be used in research and the decisions regarding the methods of data collection and then its interpretation (Creswell, 1994).

Procedures to be Used in Survey Study

Purpose for the Research Design

The most fundamental thing before actually initiating the research practically is to understand the purpose and objectives of conducting research. The purpose can be either to validate the existing sets of knowledge or to explore and add substantially to prevailing arena of knowledge at some particular issue (Cozby, 2009). Developing a proper purpose for survey research design provides a checklist to answer the questions to be investigated in the research with making sure that all superfluous factors are controlled accordingly. It also helps in determining the internal and external validity of the research.

Reasons for Choosing Survey Research Design

The reasons for choosing a survey research design are that it enables to know about the characteristics of a larger target population with relatively minimal expenses in the shortest possible period of time (Trochim & Donnelly, 2008). Another main reason is that a survey research has been proved to be greatly helpful in collecting required information from distant locations via telephone, email or mail. The survey research incorporates a great degree of generalizing the research findings even when multiple variables are being analyzed which is its most intriguing quality. Survey research design also has the unique feature of asking numerous questions regarding a particular issue along with provision of remarkable flexibility to the study and objectivity to the sample.


Then the next step is to define the people to be focused for the research. The target population is a group of individuals having substantial interest for the researcher and has some common characteristics (Creswell, 1994). The researcher has to define their characteristics in detail like their age, social and economic characteristics and location. Then the next thing to be estimated is the size of the population of interest.

Stratification of Population

Then, the population is categorized in various sub groups in accordance with their age, gender, socio-economic status, geography or some other reference point and then the final subjects are selected from relative strata proportionally(Cozby, 2009).


Variables hold a key position in enhancing the quality of research. The researchers have to determine the variables to be measured in research study that whether he will ...
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