Impact And Issues Of Physical Security

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Impact and Issues of Physical Security

Impact and Issues of Physical Security


Physical security is one of the most overlooked when designing a system. While some of the issues discussed below are expected, others, such as the detection of an internal company attacker who tries to physically access the operating room of the same, no. This can lead to an attacker that is easier to achieve and make a tape copy of the room, trying to access the same logical way. Thus, security is the application of physical barriers and control procedures as preventive measures and countermeasures against threats to resources and sensitive information (Khairallah, 2005). There are certain issues faced by the physical security and those issues are discussed in this paper while explaining the legal issues in detail. On the other hand how physical security impacts the people working at any organization is also discussed.


Physical security needs some of the major diverse and sophisticated of all possible skills that are good observational skills, respect for civil liberties, a fine understanding of human psychology, knowledge of complicated legal issues, judgment skills, skills to plan effectively along with reacting immediately, creativity, imagination and also engineering sophistication to overcome the security issues and threats (Fennelly, 2012).


Intentional and Unintentional

Illegal activities of criminal groups competing economic structures, as well as individuals in the property and employees, which could lead to material financial loss and damage to the company and the health of its staff. If someone want to attack a system has physical access to it all other security measures implemented become useless.

To avoid such problems, organizations must implement prevention mechanisms (control of access to resources) and detection (if a prevention mechanism fails or there should at least detect unauthorized access as soon as possible).

Intentional (for profit, under duress, with malicious intent) of the employees admitted to the material, financial and information resources (Kallhoff, n.d.).

Unintentional (erroneous, casual, careless, no selfish ends) breaches of the requirements of registration, storage, circulation and sale of material assets, financial resources, service of documents and information, leading to the loss of resources and theft.

Engineering systems (electricity, water supply, ventilation, heating, etc.), leading to loss of production (Martin and Bakhto, n.d.).

Security equipment (systems access control, fire alarm system (OPS), video surveillance and communication), leading to an unauthorized intrusion into the territory of the enterprise and theft of material, financial and information resources.

Emergencies: fires, accidents, destruction, man-made disasters and natural disasters. In addition to the potential problems caused by attacks by people, it is important also to note that natural disasters can have very serious consequences, especially if you do not look at our security policy and its implementation (Fennelly, 2012).

Legal Issues

Legal issues need to be understood and properly discussed while installing the physical security. These issues may consist of availability for disabled people, the failure to secure the people and assets, liability issues and excessive force used by the security guards. These issues may put an organization into a trouble if are not addressed comprehensively. Many times the legal trouble may ...
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