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Business Analysis on Dell

Table of Contents

Company Profile3

Dell's Business Objectives3

Dell's business Strategy4

Dell's E-commerce Strategy4

Dell's Financial Performance6

Linking Dell's Performance to E-Commerce7



Business Analysis on Dell

Company Profile

Dell Computer has always been one of the most envied (Darlin 2006). The creation of Dell Inc emerged from the hands of Michael Dell founded in 1984 that, given the growing need for models of personal computers and business insight to just software developers from Microsoft, now 25 years later has sold over 20 million computers a year and that its actions since June 1988 when it went public until now have tripled, despite the massive drop in price during the crisis (Darlin 2006). The quality in the case of Dell does not refer directly to the product, but the rapid and reliable place for all needs that require their customers, from technical assistance, through the commercial support and services without forgetting aftermarket. It is the production quality that makes Dell number one. Dell's commitment to customer value, to the team, to being direct, to operating responsibly and to winning continues to differentiate us from other companies.

The principal method Dell uses in alignment to accomplish and maintain their comparable advantage is an exclusive, direct to customer business pattern. The Internet is Dell's key achievement constituent which results in smaller costs to customers than other retailers because customers notify Dell precisely what they want and Dell conceives goods for the consumer without experiencing useless assets in production.

Dell's Business Objectives

The main objective is to increase its share market and its profitability in the Personal computer system. Product manager must prepare a plan to improve online results in US. The Dell Inc marketing plan aims to generate an increase in sales and profits. The profit target is fixed at 18 million Dollar and the sales target at 180 million, representing an increase of 9 percent over the past year. It is expected that this increase is achieved through improved in pricing, advertising and distribution. The marketing budget of 30 million will be required Dollar, up 14 percent from the previous year.

Dell's business Strategy

Dell Corporation has established its business on direct, business to customer sales. The main strategy of Dell is to build-to-order for production and sales of Personal Computers. Initially, Dell sold its PCs to new and experienced personal computer users; however, in the 80s it was taking a new direction towards corporate market. Dell is the World's largest personal computer maker. It has been a market leader for the last few years and has successfully retained its market position (Dell and Fredman 1999). It is one of the well known and trusted computer brands in the world. It deals directly with customers by cutting the retailers. It employs information and communication technology (ICT) and applied it to customer relationship management (CRM) strategies to gather information on its existing and potential customers. Dell provides customized personal computers to its customers. The customer can provide specification to dell computers on its website and the customized system is shipped through ...
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