This report outlined the integration of environmental and operation management of Dell Corporation. Environment management is becoming an important component in corporate strategy due to increase demands for responsible environment activity from legislators, customer's and the realities of environment degradation. Operation managers need to support corporate environmental strategies such as pollution prevention, waste minimization, and recycling. Recyclability of materials is largely depends during process design phase. From operation perspective, process technologies may be efficient but may cause pollution, the economic and social consequences. Hence, the objective is to reduce wastage which will directly save cost for the organization while maintaining a balance between environment responsibility and operation management decision.
Dell Corporation Environmental Issues Management
The issue of effectively integrating ethics into business decision making is a major area of debate confronting today's corporate leaders. Ethically responsible business practices are generally desired; opinions about what these practices are and how they should be encouraged are diverse. In this paper we will analyze the Dell Corporation Environment Management and issues relating to legal requirements. The report will conclude by demonstrating the observations, personal reflections and learning point's summary from this assignment work I have undertaken.
Flexibility is the way organization change their products and services to do business in respond to a dynamic environment. Stafford (1999) argues that we must learn to love change and develop flexible and responsive organizations to cope with the dynamic business environment. Therefore, an organization need to have the operation ability to swiftly make changes to wide variety products and services mix as well as allowing volume and delivery operation, to adjust its output levels and its delivery procedures to cope with unexpected changes in market demand. This is especially important in high technology industry where product life cycles are typically short and companies need to redesign their products every few months (Kraemer, Kenneth L., and Dedrick, 1998).
Dell Computer Corporation
Dell Computer Corporation, an American company based in Texas, is the number-one provider of direct computer systems in the United States today. The company develops, manufacture, sell and support personal computers (PCs), television and other IT peripherals.
Michael Dell, founder of Dell, started the company in 1984 and had developed a revolutionary strategy of direct sales, bypassing the retailers, to sell products directly to customers. Dell's strategies of direct sales and build-to-order production have proven successful in minimizing inventory and bringing new products to market quickly, enabling it to increase market share (Stafford, 1999).
At Dell's newest Austin plant, named Metric12, sometimes a PC can be built, software installed and tested, and everything packed in a box for shipping within 5 hours (Ramstad, 1997). To support this model, Dell had tough guidelines for suppliers to have components warehoused within 15 minutes of Dell factories, and supplier must ensure 2 hours of inventory in the plant at all times. These requirements reduce inventory cost for Dell and support its JIT production processes. Orders are typically shipped no later than 5 days after receipt ...