Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom Continuum

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Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom Continuum

Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom Continuum


In the area of nursing and health care, knowledge, information and data are considered as the most important aspects in order to ensure the integrity and credibility of health care services. In the current era of technology, all these terms play a vital role in ensuring the nonstop flow of useful information within the health care organization. It is often observed that, advanced and innovative technologies play a vital role in transforming the raw information into useful information. This may greatly help the health care organizations in enhancing and improving the health care operations within the organization. According to several researches and surveys, the process of data-knowledge-information-wisdom is the revolution of information or data by the help of specific process named as “cognitive process”. This may greatly help the health care organizations to maintain their integrity and credibility (Maeder & Martin-Sanchez, 2012).

Several researches have been done in the recent era, in order convert the collected data or information into useful information. This may greatly help the health care organizations on providing the appropriate and effective health care facilities to their patients. The proceeding paper demonstrates the evolution or development of health care activities by the help of four steps of knowledge, information, data and wisdom continuum. It may greatly help the nursing profession as well as the health care organizations in answering the clinical queries.

The proceeding discussion also demonstrates that how the databases are used in organizing and managing the information in the area of health care. The role of informatics, in the field of healthcare, is also incorporated in the proceeding paper.


Data- Information- Knowledge- Wisdom Continuum

According to recent surveys, researches and case studies, the words knowledge, information and data are used to allocate the meanings to the area of health care and nursing. In the recent era of information technology, these words provide better opportunities to the health care organizations to maintain and ensure the nonstop flow of information within the working environment. The main idea of the “data-information-knowledge-wisdom continuum” is referred as the alteration or innovation of wisdom by using the processes or procedures called cognitive processes (Hovenga & Kidd, 2010).

These processes or procedures may greatly help the health care organizations in ensuring the smooth healthcare operations. According to recent researches and surveys it is shown that, the profession of nursing needs great integrity of the information. This may help them in providing the better and enhanced health care facilities. This can only be possible by collecting and gathering the information and transforming it into useful information (Maeder & Martin-Sanchez, 2012).

Databases in the Field of Healthcare and Nursing

The development and innovation in the field of technology have brought several changes in every field of life. Data bases and automated medical records play a vital role in organizing and managing the important information of patients. This may greatly help the health care organizations ensuring the smooth operations of the organizations while providing efficient and appropriate health care services to their patients (Hovenga & ...
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