Application: Using The Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom Continuum

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Application: Using the Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom Continuum

Application: Using the Data/Information/Knowledge/Wisdom Continuum


Scientific knowledge gained through researching different libraries is a crucial part of evidence based practice. It is important to realize that the more a topic is researched quantitatively and qualitatively, the more it gains authenticity. A scientific researcher or a health care provider should have this knowledge of researching to an extent that he or she may relate every aspect of the learning experience to previous researches. This will not only enhance the wisdom of a researcher but will also enhance the learning outcomes.

Searching the databases require a little technical strategy which results in vast knowledgeable outcomes. For instance, if a topic is search on a publicly open search engine such as Google, Bing, etc. the results may include both authentic and unauthentic sources and information (Rutherford, 2008). The results are unreliable in terms of scientific learning and its ultimate application to evidence based practice. Hence, databases are the best resources for researching all sorts of scientific information. This is because the information in the databases are mostly authentic and contribute to evidence based practice.


Review of Interdisciplinary Approach of Health Informatics

Clinical Questions

The clinical questions developed after reviewing the above figure and learning the process of interdisciplinary approach include:

What are the outcomes of pharmacotherapy on ear infections?

How effective is the consideration for drug-food interaction in the treatment of ear infection?

What is the drug-drug interaction relation of ear infection medicine and other drugs?

Relation of the Clinical Questions with the Interdisciplinary Approach

The least complex step in solving the clinical question is the collection of data. This step will involve the organization and naming of information in a precise manner as well. The next step is the interpretation of the information. This step is slightly more complex than the previous one. The interpretation, identification, integration and organization of the information are the next step. This is a crucial step as most of the learning is done in this step. Information is absorbed and implementation plans are incepted at this stage (Matney, 2011).

The last and final step of the interdisciplinary approach is involved in the Wisdom. This step is the final outcome and the basic reason for the whole process of researching databases. Furthermore, this step enables the researcher in application of the learned outcomes and implementation of the knowledge gained. All these steps are inter-related and a constant flux is observed. The researcher will ideally put the required key words into the search bar of the library. Next the search results will be narrowed down on the basis of the year of publications along with the application of choice of scholarly articles and English only articles. Moreover, the researcher can also choose the results to be human only choices.

Identification of the Databases at Walden University Library

When the researcher logs onto the Walden University Library homepage, two main search options appear saying “Articles by Topic” and “Find Exact Article”. A search bar also appears that assists in the searching of the desired ...