Current Events And U.S. Diplomacy

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Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy

Current Events and U.S. Diplomacy


The US presidential doctrine includes the core attitude, goals or the point of stand of the US foreign affairs with other countries summarized by the president of the US. In most of the presidential doctrines the cold war is directed related. The president themes and the doctrines are directly related to the foreign policy of the states. The term presidential doctrines are quite often used for the presidents like Ronald Regan, Richard Nixon, James Monroe, Jimmy carter and Harry S. Truman. Cold War is the name given to the historical period of strategic disputes and indirect conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union, comprising the period between the end of World War II (1945) and the extinction of the Soviet Union (1991). In summary, it was a conflict of order political, military, technological, economic, social and ideological between the two nations and their areas of influence.


A part of historians argues that it was a dispute of the countries that supported the Civil liberties, such as freedom of opinion and expression and to vote, represented by the United States and other Western countries and across the atheistic Communist dictatorship 12, which was The possibility to vote and to disagree, defended by the Soviet Union (USSR) 3 and other countries where communism was imposed by it (Scott & Furmanski, 2004). Another part of historians argues that this was a contest between capitalism, represented by the United States and the socialist totalitarian, which had been abolished private property, supported by the Soviet Union (USSR). However, this characterization may only be valid with a number of restrictions and only for the period of the immediate post-World War II until the 1950s. Soon after, in 1960, the block socialist divided and during the decades of 1970 and 1980, the Chinese Communist allied with the United States in the race against the Soviet Union. Furthermore, many of the regional disputes involving States capitalists like the United States against various powers over local nationalists (Clinton, 2010).

It is called "cold" because there was no direct war i.e. "hot" between the two superpowers, given the impossibility of victory in a nuclear battle. The arms race by building a large arsenal of nuclear weapons was the central goal during the first half of the Cold War, stabilizing in the 1960s to the 1970s and was revived in 1980 with the design of U.S. President Ronald Reagan called "Star Wars ."

Cuba, the largest island in the Caribbean, has undergone a revolution in 1959, which removed the pro-American dictator Fulgencio Batista from power and established the dictatorship of Fidel Castro since 1959. The establishment of a socialist regime worried the White House in 1959 that still tried to overthrow the new government, supporting members attached to the old regime and starting an economic embargo on the island. By blocking the trade oil and grains, Cuba takes on these products of the USSR (Roskin & Berry, ...
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