Cultural Differences And People Management

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Cultural Differences and People Management Reflective Essay

Cultural Differences and People Management Reflective Essay


The aim of this reflective essay is to discuss the Cultural Differences and People Management. Cultural sociology is a concept promoted in recent years by Jeffrey C. Alexander. Contemporary societies differ from each other by a set of cultural traits. I perceive that the most important are the language, religion, and the different level of economic development. The language is considered a cultural par excellence as we receive it from our ancestors. At present there are 3,000 and 4,000 languages. This variety has led to include them in groups called families. Religion is a very significant culture as it reflects the way for a human community to understand the world, life, death and the hereafter. The oldest religions are animist. The great religions are Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam.

I believe that over the years, personnel management has evolved with the changes that have occurred in the operational context. Now we are facing new challenges due to rapid changes resulting from globalization and increasingly complex situations. Personnel management is not limited to transactional activities associated with human resources, but also includes a broad concept that encompasses leadership, performance values, and ethics of the public service, and commitment and development of employees. Human resource management is an integral part of the company's objectives and requires sustained leadership, time, and resources. It also requires the commitment of managers, employees, human resources specialists, central agencies, and bargaining agents (Peterson, 2004).

Cultural Differences

Cultural differences are mainly related to monotheistic religions that coexist with their own practices. Sphere includes Muslim Arabs and Berbers of the plains, the Rif, the High and Middle Atlas, or as Sub Sahara. Each subgroup has its own rituals, customs and habits in terms of tribal songs, dances. The Christian community has reached its zenith under the protectorate, mainly composed of settlers who were gradually after independence decline eventually to stabilize. Mu observation reveals that contemporary societies differ from each other by a set of cultural traits. The most important are the language, religion, and the different level of economic development. Multiculturalism is a term subject to diverse and sometimes contradictory interpretations. The term originally arose in the Anglo-American world as a model of public policy and as a philosophy and social thought to react to cultural uniformity in times of globalization. With the adjective multicultural is often referred to and variation of cultures in society to solve the same human individual needs when they all should have equal opportunities to develop socially, economically and politically in harmony according to their ethnic traditions, religious and ideological. According to multiculturalism, States should institutionally articulate to reflect the plurality of cultures (Moran, 2004).

Similarly, I perceive that the culture is involved in the reproduction of social relations; the action is discursive contexts for study (stratification, domination, race, gender and violence) act as institutions and processes which convey meaning to cultural texts. The risk announces is a historic transformation of the ...
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