Every country of the world has a distinct culture of its own. People living in a particular country relate to the norms and values of the society. There are values that are drastically different in various cultures and societies. The dressing pattern, languages spoken, colours, buildings, architecture et al differ in different cultures. People to UK have different values as compared to the values in Russia. With globalization taking roots in the world economy and people having access to TV channels of the world, the whole planet has shrunk. The main purpose of this paper is to understand the fact that if social interactions can construct and reconstruct the social interactions, then what is the meaning of interview data or other primary social data?
Culture is an important factor in any business. If a company wants to operate its business in other countries, then the issue of cross-culture starts. Cross culture issues create many problems for the company in order to start its business and keep it running. Another reason that may give rise to cross-cultural businesses is holding prejudices against any culture. For instance, if employees of an organisation hold a negative view about the culture of another employee then that another employee may hesitate to adjust and work with that organization. International business managers and project team leaders are able to establish effective cross-cultural communications through verbal and non-verbal behaviour. Research has shown that there are various characteristics that lead to the competence in cultural communication (Nosh, 2007, p. 22). These include relationship and leadership skills, communication skills and distinctive traits. Competence in cross-cultural communications, not only includes an understanding of culture and language, but also behavioural skills such as empathy, good listening and the ability to manage employee uncertainty. The effectiveness of operating across diverse cultures can be dependent on the ability to communicate inter-personally and establish interpersonal relationships, the ability to adjust to different social systems and understand others (Barnouw, 2003, p. 45). It is also important to note, however, that the characteristics or traits of effective leadership can vary across different cultural contexts. A company may face many problems in terms of cross cultural issues, but the main issue that originates in cross cultural business management is selecting the sample and target market for interviews and primary data in order to conduct a research (Bass, 2007, p. 130).
People say that social interactions play a crucial role in the construction and reconstruction of any society; therefore, it has a huge impact on the meaning of primary and interview data analysis. The interview is a conversation between two or more people, which one is the question (interviewer). It is dialogue with these people according to certain patterns or patterns of a given issue or problem, having a appropriate purpose.
It is the collection techniques ranging from standard interrogation to free conversation in both cases relies on a guide that can be a form or outline ...