Critical Review On The Ethical Dilemmas

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Critical Review on the Ethical Dilemmas

Critical Review on the Ethical Dilemmas


If one looks at the overall situation, there are many ethical dilemmas that are being faced by these two people at the individual level, and there is lot of things that these two people are not really comfortable in carrying out. First thing one has to understand is what the ethical dilemma is. An ethical dilemma is the situation that is faced by the people at the any level that most commonly takes into account the conflict that is happening at the mental level for the people. Ethical dilemmas are most commonly seen in the situation when there is a chance that some ethical system or moral code of ethics is being transgressed (Rose, 2003). The ethical dilemma that is being faced by these two people can be solved by making an estimate and looking at the overall background of the problem and trying to understand what are some of the better alternatives that can be carried out to make sure that all the people who are involved in the ethical dilemma.

Understanding the Background

Lack of Trust

First one has to understand the background of the problems and make a rough list of some of the ethical dilemmas people are facing in this setup. Tony, as it can be seen that he is not particularly happy with the workplace environment and overall setting as they are not giving him much satisfaction. There is lack of trust that exists between some of the employees as he does not share good repertoire or relationship with some of his accomplices.

Consumption of Drugs and Alcohol and Objectionable Behavior

On one hand he thinks that some of his supervisors are not performing their job and he thinks that they are not very competent. So this is the typical case of an employ that is not really happy with the arrangement at the workplace. He takes drugs and consumes beer as well which will not be helping the situation. When one looks at the overall situation, it can be seen that Tony likes to do certain things in his own way and does not consider some sort of accountability .This is the area of concern for the management as his behavior with females is objectionable; he is using his personal contacts to get his girlfriend on the job.

Over Eager Working Nature of Johnny

The very grey area of concern is that Johnny is sometimes too harsh on him and sometimes takes his job way too seriously. His over enthusiasm of work has led to increased disagreements with his wife and due to some strange reason; he has started taking interest in some of his female coordinates. Due to spending some time with Tony, he is also using some drugs and other stuff which has lead to further detoriation in his attitude.

Lack of Family Support

Another thing that has been noted is that due to his work schedule, he has not been able to give time to ...
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