Critical Appraisal Of A Research Report

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Critical appraisal of a research report

Critical appraisal of a research report


There is a growing body of evidence to suggest that Australian men have a poorer health status than women. Men have a higher rate of mortality, are up to 4 times more likely to commit suicide, and suffer from a greater level of mental illness when compared with women (Timonen, 2008). In rural communities, social isolation among men tends to compound these effects, significantly influencing their mental health and their capacity to receive emotional or instrumental support. This has been identified as a major cause of deteriorating mental and physical health among men.

On top of the usual strains of dwelling in a rural community, the recent drought and loss of land in the River land has also contributed towards deterioration in health. Men's Sheds is a community-based program that was conceptualized with the purpose of combating this escalating problem. The idea was inspired by the extensive works of an author who stressed upon the importance of a man's shed.

However, since a private shed greatly limits impairs social interaction, a community-based shed is used since it enhances their health benefits. The goal of our project was to investigate how men in the Rive land are accessing these sheds and how they benefit these men.

Sampling & recruitment

While the nature of this study precluded large-scale analysis. It is clear from the results gained that Community Men's Sheds are important and valuable social assets. Although the rural selling Men's sheds across the River land are varied in purpose and membership, several common positive themes emerged throughout the study. Men's sheds offer a true sense of community as they offer old men the opportunity to work together. A majority of these men, particularly thoiose who are retired, are able to dedicate time to men's sheds and end face a growing sense of isolation.

The programs provide the opportunity to learn and practice new skills, with a particular focus on manual arid workshop elements that provide a constructive environment, in which friendships and mentorships can be formed. Apaprt from this, they can also make friends. Despite a lack of funding, the Men's Shed groups have also been able to give back to the community through charitable donations and aid restoration projects.

This aspect of the groups provided many men with a renewed sense of purpose and accomplishment. Men's mental health is a serious Issue in rural Australia and further study is required to explore the mental health outcomes associated with Men's shed programs. The results of our study would suggest that many benefit from Men's community groups, both at the individual level as well as the community level. However, there is much to be gained by further research into this area. A case study was used to explore men's experiences of participating in a Men's Shed program.

In a case study the researcher explores in detail one particular program or event. The Shed in this study opened in March 2002 and operates under the auspices of a community health ...
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