Criminiology- Criminal Law

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Criminology- Criminal Law

Criminology Task

Question No1: Discuss what you think are the causes of Hannibal being a serial killer?

From the description of the provided case it has been known that Hannibal was a serial killer; he has gone through with a lot of crucial and emotional disasters which left an, inevitable effect on his mind. He spent his life in miserable condition which made him to take revenge from others and kill people. There are different theories of causation which can be discuss in detail putting a relevancy in accordance with the crimes which are related to violent crimes. The theories discussed about the concepts that could influence an individual to commit the crime. The theories which have discussed, are Psychology which includes Mental Disorder and Multiple personality disorder, Psychopathology, Aggression, Frustration-aggression Hypothesis. Theories of the nature of aggression are mainly represented into four main groups: Biological, Psychodynamic, and Social learning, Social psychological. Criminal personality has been discussed briefly with respect to the personal character of individual posses. The case of Hannibal can be associated with some of these theories because he holds some of the instances from these theories of personality disorder, frustration, aggression and mental disorder.

Serial murderers are inclined to be white, heterosexual, males in their twenties and thirties. While it is unrealistic to forecast who will become a successive murdered there are traits that emerge to be similar in all killers. Criminology concentrates more on the behavior that breaches the law and search for clues and explanations for that behavior. Although crime can be fascinating comprehending why it occurs is elusive. There is never a dearth for offering of solutions to stop crime. Politicians, law enforcement, philosophers, academics, and the like, offer opinion, assumption, concepts, programs and abstract suggestion, but these pursuits, although helpful, usually result in a little practice value. There is never a shortage of experts, but very transitory actual solid solution. At this junction there is no one all-encompassing theological, psychological, biological, or sociological explanation of crime. If criminal behavior is to be understood then there must be an integration of all relevant disciplinary thoughts. Criminology is defined as the scientific study of crime and criminal behavior, and law enforcement body of information pertaining criminal behavior, and crime as social occurrence. The scope of criminology entertains the procedure of making laws, breaking laws and act in response towards breaking the laws. Criminology if taken in broader aspect, it covers the whole science of crimes where as when contracting, it refers to the particular part of the criminal science which pragmatically explains the behavior of the criminal and investigates the individual and the social aspects linked with the crime.

Ever since the psychiatric discipline arrived on the scene of criminology there has been an attempt to identify the criminal personality. Leaning on a revival of early biological and psychological positivism, they believed individual freely choose to become criminals. They theorized the following points:

The criminal personality is imprinted at birth and is ...
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