Criminal Justice System

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Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System


The criminal justice system has evolved with the technological revolution that the world has witnessed in the recent years. No matter what, it is the responsibility of the state to ensure the safety of its inhabitants so that people can feel safe and secure while they walk on the streets. Most of the criminals thrive on the luxurious trends that prevail in the society. They get a room only because there is a lack of willpower in the society to form forces that can resist the crime. It is impossible to reduce the crime rate to the level zero but the components of the criminal justice are responsible to reduce the crime rate to a level that the citizens do not find it difficult to live.


In the past, it was the night watchman that used to patrol the streets of the cities so that the crime can be prevented but then a formal structural organization, police, was formed to ensure the safety of the citizens. Police, since then, has worked as a component of the criminal justice system and ensures that the criminal cases are pursued in the courts. With time, the trends evolved and the nature of crime changed. The role of the police, as an organization, has changed because of the changes in the nature of criminal activity. The courts used to extend verdict on racial basis. The minorities, in America, have always suffered because of the presence of a system that has introduced bias in decisions (Tonry, 1996). The situation has got better with the time as people have recognized that the justice system should operate without keeping any kind of racial bias for people in a country.

Apart from all the improvements that have been made in the justice system, there still is room for improvements. It is believed that people in the past used to feel more secure than people do today. The reason behind the peace in past was the police patrolling that was done on daily basis. People used to know each other by name and kept in touch with the police department as a routine task. Another reason for that kind of peace in the society was the little gap that existed between poor and rich. It also is the struggle, to have what people do not have, which has become a reason for the increase in the rate of crime (Maguire & Radosh, 2004). The sociologists suggest that the increase in the rate of crime is directly proportional to the increase in the gap between haves and have-nots.

Many people, even in this digital age, do not even have access to food and proper shelter. With new technologies, people have acquired automated weaponry that also has become a reason for the increase in crime rates. The most important thing to be noted here is the growing intolerance in the society (Lynch & Addington, 2007). The young generation has evidently been involved in violent activities because of an ...
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