Criminal Justice System

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Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System


Crime refers to a set of acts that are carried out against the laws that are being implemented and generally accepted by the entire society overall. Crime can also be defined as 'the conduct of a person or persons who do not meet the requirements of the given society and violate the laws of that particular society'. As a result, the crime may differ depending on criminal code of each country.

Criminal Justice Process

The process of criminal justice process is different among various states and the federal criminal justice system adopts their other own rules, procedures and terms. They are used during the stages of proceedings. The criminal justice process involves the following stages which will be discussed further;


An investigation carried out by a law enforcement agency for a crime may start in these ways that are:

The police inspector might monitor a speeder on the highway who crossed the speed limit that was mentioned in the boards.

Fire shots carried out in a particular neighborhood might make police to quickly respond to the situation.

A person who was cheated by a con artist might contact law enforcement officers for reporting the criminal activity. In response, an investigation might be carried out by the police to find out the important matters behind this activity.

Search Warrant

When the police officers will have an idea that the collection of evidence regarding a specific crime is enough for them, they would try to carry out a search warrant which will lead them to search the premises. The information that is given by the police to the court is reviewed by the judges and they try to figure out the major reason behind this act.


An interrogation of the witnesses can be carried out by the police officers and can ask various questions from the suspected people by taking care of their constitutional rights.


Police can arrest certain group of people under these conditions which are:

If law enforcement officers believe that there is sufficient reason for a crime that was committed by a specific person, he might be arrested because of the suspicion and will be also taken into custody. However, police officers will need an arrest warrant before taking a suspect into custody.

When a dangerous crime is committed by a person that too in front of a police official, then there will be no need for an arrest warrant.

If the police ...
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