Criminal Justice System

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Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System

Criminal Justice System


The Criminal Justice system, in our country, sets a high standard of conduct. However, because standards of conduct differ from society to society there can never be one single standard for all people everywhere. This being said, we must make ethical decisions based on each individual situation. Therefore, we must have our own set of values that we live by in our daily life. In this paper we discussed hypothetically design Criminal Justice System.

Society Expectations

Society expects its police to look into reported crimes, collecting and protecting evidence, arresting suspects, and aiding the prosecution in getting a conviction. Next, is to preserve peace, by having to intervene in a nonviolent conduct by an individual in a public place. Then to prevent crime, which is to prevent crime before it occurs, such as, educational campaigns, preventing patrols, and community policing. Next, is to provide services, such as, counseling, referring social services, and to keep traffic moving. Society expects the courts to decide if a person is guilty or not, sentence the guilty to punishment, interpret the laws made by legislative, set legal precedents, and to uphold Constitutional protections. Society expects corrections to carry out the sentencing of the courts by giving punishment, providing care and protection for the convicted, and to uphold Constitutional protections. Law enforcement, courts, and corrections task are divided differently across local, state, and federal governments (Cole & Smith, 2008).


Making this a realization by the first areas covered in the criminal justice system are the police and they are responsible for enforcing the criminal law. The presence of the Law Enforcement Code of Conduct stipulates the behavior of officers, the practice of law enforcement in the United States is to prevent biases against the poor and people of color. These biases have formed because of police discretion, the focus of certain types of crimes, location, and police profiling and policing of the war on drugs. The innocent biases results in injustice and is ineffective at reducing crime, and some police behavior is intentional and inconsistent with the goals of the criminal justice system (Robinson, 2005).


In many ways, these expectations are unfulfilled because under the law of the United States Constitution, society must all follow the same laws. However, through abuse of political power and authority, the people's repression by politicians has placed their self-serving interest above the laws by the high crimes against the publics' interest. Society is being taken advantage of and the checks and balances fall to corruption by the government officials we elect to office (James Wilson,2002).

Employees Goals and expectations

The designed correctional system policies are for the safety of the public, the officers, and inmate's safety and his or her equipment or housing. The prison life is another society in itself. Prison life is different dorms that house all types of inmates ranging in different ages, race, color, and religion. There are all sorts of nationalizations in a prison ...
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