Criminal Justice Policy

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Criminal Justice Policy

Criminal Justice Policy Process


The entire society is dependent on the criminal justice system to regulate the law and order within the society. The criminal justice system has to make sure that they provide a safe and secure environment for the citizens. In order to provide a safe and secure environment for the society, the criminal justice system has to remove certain dangerous and criminal minded individuals from the society who pose a threat to the citizens or the properties. This is the reason why the criminal justice system has to design and implement certain policies to follow so that they can manage to achieve the safe and secure society. The paper discusses the criminal justice policy process and the key actors that play a part in the policy process. Furthermore, the steps involved in the policy making process of the criminal system are also discusses and the recommendations have been given for bringing improvement in the policy process.

As the civilizations progressed, the inhabitants of numerous societies undertook the responsibility of making their communities, the perfect dwellings for the human survival, rendering the basic necessities of life to the utmost level. Amongst the basic needs of human life, is the need of security and American society paid utmost heed to ensure that its inhabitants lead a fearless and secure life. Amongst the basic facets of the law and order's specifications, the founding documents of this nation were also critical in guiding, as though how should the society be led.

Analysis Of Founding Documents Along With Their Historical Facts

Before talking into detail regarding the specifications of the founding documents, it is rather imperative to state that these documents, which found their basis and existence from the time period of 1764 and 1791, are primarily the building blocks and core foundations of the political, philosophical and traditional aspects of the country. These documents were the groundwork and framework over which the foundation of this country was laid, and via which the society is being shaped.

Declaration Of Independence

It was for numerous days that the aspect of independence was under scrutiny by congress, and in the year 1776 (June 17th), Lee proposed the Lee resolution, which eloquently articulated that all the colonies under the direct British rule have the right to be declared free. Not long after the proposition of Lee resolution, did a team comprising of four eminent figures was given the pivotal responsibility of crafting and devising, what would be known as the declaration of independence. The declaration of independence comprised of three main parts or sections; first, a statement taking into account the aspect of the natural right theory, coupled with the specifications of the objective and purpose of the government. Secondly, the open declaration of liberation and independence from England, and third, grievance against the king of Britain (Hoover, 2007).

Constitution of USA

It was the year 1787, when the constitution of America found its first grounds. The prime objective was to formulate a team of 12 ...
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