Crime Maps

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Benefits and Disadvantages of the Use of Crime Maps to Various Stakeholders

Benefits and Disadvantages of the Use of Crime Maps to Various Stakeholders


The police in the United Kingdom have made considerable efforts to make the public aware of what is happening in their surroundings and other areas. The most apparent of these efforts are the crime maps that are made available over the internet to the public. These crime maps let an individual discern what crimes are taking place in a certain locality, which areas and places are safer and which are the hotspot areas. Although the idea of crime maps was put forth in order to privilege the public, but crime maps are not devoid of drawbacks that exists owing to its utilization.

The purpose of this essay is to outline and evaluate the benefits and disadvantages of the use of crime maps for different stakeholders including police, politicians, private companies and the general public.


Impact of use of crime maps on general public

Putting the crime maps over the internet to make the public aware is no doubt an effective step towards improved policing in the society. Predominantly, the crime maps facilitate the awareness of the public regarding different kinds of crimes that are taking place in the neighbourhood as well as any location where they might be planning to go such as a certain nightclub, park or school or college. General public can make appropriate decision and take security measures by making out the security and safety standing of a place or locality.

A disadvantage with regards to the general public is an increased awareness by the criminals too. Since the crime maps are generally and publicly available, criminals may take an advantage of this accessibility. The hotspot areas are obviously the one where police will be highly, an identification of such areas may divert the criminals from those areas as indicated by one of the writers Russellhome (2008). Rather than breaking into the hotspot areas having police presence, the criminals may choose to target the safer places indicated by the crime maps. This is a significant drawback of the crime maps for the general public.

The impact of crime maps on the values of home and property is another crucial aspect. It is palpable that the areas which are viewed as highly insecure owing to the high rate of crimes will be least aspired by the people to live. The value of the home and property in the areas which are having high crime rates declines significantly, while that of the safer location rises. Thus, property owners have an advantage and disadvantage both according to the place of property.

Impact of use of crime maps on private companies and businesses

Crime maps pose benefits and disadvantages to the businesses and private companies as well. Just like the value of the houses and properties, the revenues of several businesses may fall according to the security position of the locality in which it is situated. For instance, a night club located in a hotspot ...
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