Corporate Real Estate

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Corporate Real Estate


Corporate Real Estate

Question 1

Property performance measurement is becoming standard practice amongst business organisations seeking efficiency within their operation. Given this statement, the progress in this regards will aims to investigate how companies provision of lease administration and facilitating the purchase and sale of real estate are measuring their organizational performance (Gibson, 2001). Companies regardless of size or structure are facing challenges never seen before, such as external and internal environments increasingly dynamic, more demanding customers, rapid changes in products and processes, in due to technological advances. All of these changes contribute to increasing the risk and uncertainty, making management activity rather complex and challenging.

The real estate, usually classified as small businesses, due to its organizational structure and also by how they are managed, is more vulnerable to environmental changes and therefore should benefit management tools that enable and expedite improve its decision-making process. Due to its heterogeneity, researchers find difficulty in studying the micro and small enterprises and this particularity has delayed studies and research and has undermined the proposition of theories and appropriate conclusions and different applied to large companies.

There, in the recent literature, a great concern to know how companies measure their business performance and whether the way it is measured influences the chance of business survival (Holland, 2009). This concern also exists in real estate. Thus arises, then, the research problem: How does real estate, assess organizational performance, and how this measurement can affect the performance of the enterprise.

Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of this study are:

To know the state of the art measurement performance;

Identifying the indicators are used in the system performance measurement of Property;

Identifying how these companies monitor their performance organizational;

Evaluating the relationship between the characteristics of managers and performance systems adopted;

Evaluating the relationship between company characteristics and performance measurement systems adopted;

Evaluating the relationship between the characteristics of systems performance measurement and corporate performance.

Management of Real Estate

In micro and small businesses, categories that encompass most estate, the formulation of the strategy is set by the owner, because the power is centralized and autocratic, and its success or failure depends on the strategies he formulated. As the structure is assembled and operated from above down, the owner is solely responsible for all aspects of the company, since it is he who determines the goals and how the available resources should be applied for greatest impact.

It should take into consideration that the margin for error is minimal since, for micro and small estate, own resources, as well as access to third-party resources are limited or sometimes inaccessible (Liow, 2008).

Performance Measurement

This presents the concept, evolution, history and developments of Performance Measurement Systems. What intends with this review is to show that the concept of performance measurement is relevant to the current business environment, as the formulation of strategies, the development of actions, programs and processes of improvement and change operations involve the creation of indicators and measures to monitor their past and current stages, allowing predictions for the future.

Property Process Performance Measurement

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