While writing about the real estate industry, I possess well-rounded experience concerning interior construction, leasing, and administrative processes associated with real estate and residential properties. Involved within nearly aspect of interior construction logistics to new business development, I have in-depth insight to the needs your business requires concerning the property aspect of your business.
My research report reflects the magnitude of this experience, detailing various projects I've been involved in whether from a financial standpoint or assisting with the daily logistics of the project. I've assisted companies with ground floor real estate endeavors, utilizing my entrepreneurial spiral to advance the company's short- and long-term revenue goals.
Identifying revenue growth and cost-cutting strategies are also involved in my overall process. My track record shows that I've maintained an occupancy rate up to 95%. I've also selected contractors affiliated with property refurbishing and layout projects. I've represented a number of parties and venture capitalists in the town that aided me to ameliorate my professional skills in the real estate sector.
[Student's Name]
Letter of Transmittal
[Course Supervisor]
[Course Name]
[Institute Name]
Dear Sir,
We feel immense pleasure in presenting to your good self, the term report as part of our course requirement. We found this report to be truly challenging in many aspects, indeed very interesting in relation to the various interpretational and engrossing exercises. Writing this report itself was truly comprehensive learning experience.
The report mainly revolves around the four core management functions of Planning, Organizing, Leading and Controlling that are being practically applied by the managements at the two renowned corporate entities, effectively providing a comparison of these functions between the entities. We observed that at both the entities, Planning was mainly related to the “objectives and goals”, Organizing to “task assignment and coordination development”, Leading to “leadership and motivation” and Controlling to “results comparisons and corrective measures”.
We have tried our level best to complete the report with respect to the desired requirements. However, if any explaining is required, we would be honored to oblige. Kindly accept this humble effort of bringing forward our research and findings on the subject matter.
Yours Sincerely,
[Student's Name]
Table of Contents
1. Introduction6
2. Literature review7
2.1 Servicescape and service quality7
2.2 Real estate services9
3. Research methodology11
3.1 Research design12
3.2 Data collection13
3.3 Data analysis15
3.4 Reliability and validity16
4. Results and discussion17
4.1 Demographic data17
4.2 Real estate e-servicescape quality17
4.3 Real estate process quality20
4.4 Customer satisfaction and customer loyalty22
5. Conclusions and implications22
5.1 Main conclusions22
5.2 Theoretical contributions23
5.3 Managerial contributions24
1. Introduction
Services differ in their degree of intangibility. As the level of intangibility increases, prospective customers face increasing uncertainty in assessing service characteristics, and are thus forced to place greater reliance on experience and/or credence qualities. In the absence of personal information (such as word-of-mouth recommendation or expert opinion), potential customers come to rely on various “surrogate” indicators of quality (or “search qualities”) (Reimer and Kuehn, 2005). Several authors have identified the so-called “servicescape” as being one such indicator of quality (Aubert-Gamet and Cova, 1999; Baker et al., 2002; Ward et al., 1992).
Relatively little attention has been paid in the extant literature to the ...