Corporal Punishment

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Corporal Punishment

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Corporal Punishment


Corporal punishment is defined as the implantation of physically abusive activities to discipline an individual, as it serves as a negative reinforce. The pain caused by the corporal punishment is objected to represent a negative outcome for the specific behavior, and causes the individual to refrain from certain activities. This kind of punishment was highly common in the majority of the global societies in eth traditional perspective, and the children were the most susceptible victims. In the previous era the lack of knowledge regarding the negative impacts of physical violence on the mental capacities of children, encouraged the parents to implement corporal punishment to discipline the children. However in the recent global society the act of corporal punishment has been highlighted as a highly negative and even illegal activity.

The majority of the developed countries the parents and the guardians cannot resort to physical violence to deal with their children. The children have the right to context the relevant regulatory agencies and ensure that in their household environments they do not fear physical violence of any sort (LeFrancois, 2011). Even in this recent global environment there are still a substantial number of cases were the parents use corporal punishment initiatives to discipline their children. It is not always feasible for the children to report the acts of physical violence to the adequate authorities, as they might be fearful of the negative ramifications. Corporal punishment is a completely short term initiative which allows the child to refrain from partaking in certain activities; however this act of punishment has long term repercussions on the mental and physical health of the child. The parents who support this form of punishment have to critically analyze the repercussions of their actions before subjecting their children to these aggressive punishments.


Non Violent Initiatives: Alternatives to Corporal Punishment

The reason why Corporal punishment is still implemented in a substantial nature throughout the developed western societies is the effectiveness of these methods. It is true that these activities can have an immediate impact on the children and it can cause them to refrain from perforating certain negative activities. The parents might be encouraged to take part I such forms of punishment considering the impact on the lifestyle of eth children. In certain cases the children may develop certain negative behaviors that might have a high potential of negative outcomes for them. In such circumstances the parents might feel that the corporal punishment is the effective and ideal solution to introduce a positive change in the life of their children (Hanmer & Sommarin, 2012). Studies have shown that the parents that resort to such negative and aggressive child management initiatives have tried other forms of therapy for their children, but have experienced failure in implementing them. It is due to this reason that these individuals turn to the traditional and the short term solution of corporal punishment, as they view it as the only effective solution. Corporal punishment has been identified as a negative activity which ...
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