Corporal Punishment

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Corporal Punishment

Corporal punishment

Although no definition of corporal punishment, which is generally described as the use of physical force with intent to cause a person pain, but no injuries, the effect of any correction or control of behavior. Corporal punishment term can refer to the act of hitting the body of another (e.g., slapping, spanking, flogging and whipping) hauling or pulling a part of the body of another, or throwing objects at another person. However, the types of socially accepted corporal punishment, the prevalence of corporal punishment, and the population subject to corporal punishment are constantly influenced by changing cultural norms and attitudes. Historically, corporal punishment has been used for adult cases of criminal and military institutions and the children's cases through the juvenile courts, reformatories, schools and parents. Today, however, the United States limits the use of corporal punishment to discipline children, while most other Western countries have banned corporal punishment total (Scott, 2005).


Definitions of corporal punishment or spanking vary widely depending on the source. Much of this variation can be attributed to differences in individual schedules. For example, Murray Straus, on the record as opposed to striking children in any form, classified as "minor violence" clearly a pejorative term. Then he defines corporal punishment as "a violent act permitted by law, conducted as part of the role of parents.”James Dobson, on the other hand, writes that love is a beating administered an essential part of teaching children healthy boundaries.

Spanking is an issue that arouses strong emotions. Not long ago, striking spanking a child on the buttocks with the palm of your hand or some object like a belt, was considered a necessary part of responsible parenthood. As rates of violence and abuse in American society continues to grow, development researchers have concluded, not always with the support of research, child beating on the pretext of punishment is contributing to this increase violence. These researchers have called for restrictions on parents who are from the "rules" on how to beat a child to laws such as Sweden and other countries that outlaw spanking altogether. However, this complex problem cannot be solved simply.


Few experts in child development would not agree that parents have a significant influence on the results of psychological and behavioral child. In addition, research has reported that the way a child is raised not only affects children's health, but also shapes the course of adult life. A problem for parents is that the advice of professionals working with children has changed periodically, ranging from a "spare the rod and spoil the child" philosophy that guides parents to control their children through the use of frequent and severe discipline, to advise parents to their children "colleagues, friends or best friends" by adopting a permissive general style in which the discipline is virtually absent.

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