Contraceptive And Sexual Health Care

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Contraceptive and Sexual Health Care

Contraceptive and Sexual Health Care

Case Study

Contraception is pregnancy prevention. Contraception allows you to maintain a harmonious and safe sex life and maintain their health.

Contraception can help you:

Feel at ease in a relationship with someone you love without worrying about the occurrence of unwanted pregnancies.

Decide on when the light of your child. Pregnancy in this case would not be the result of errors, and will be cherished and planned.

Protect themselves against hazards and risks associated with abortion, which is a physical and emotional trauma and harm your health.

Adhere to the optimal birth spacing to allow women to recover their body strength and health to give birth to healthy children in the future.

There are various ways of preventing unwanted pregnancies. However, remember that women are ideally suited to all means do not exist. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, side effects and contraindications. Therefore, the choice of method of contraception should be made on the basis of individual testimony, sexual activity and health. To help select the most suitable method of contraception for you to be able to obstetrician-gynecologist or specially trained midwife.

There was a lady of 29 years age came for the diagnosis of contraceptive and sexual disorder. Before discussing the case we will be discussing the history of this disorder.


Over the past decades, considerable progress in the improvement of oral contraceptives, this certainly includes the creation in the early 90s contraceptive vaginal ring NuvaRing. This tool is a flexible transparent ring, whose diameter is 54 mm, thickness 4 mm in cross section. Each ring contains 2.7 mg of ethinyl estradiol and 11.7 mg of etonogestrel and is intended for use during a menstrual cycle. Due to the concentration gradient NuvaRing is effective only in the vagina, as a necessary condition for the start of the selection of hormones - the body temperature, and a complex system of membranes can be allocated a fixed amount of hormones (daily continuously released 15 mcg of ethinyl estradiol and 120 mcg etonogestrel).

Very important is that the NuvaRing is easily introduced and removed by the woman, to enter the ring a woman should take the position that provides an easy introduction of the ring (such as the introduction of a tampon). The elasticity and softness of the ring can place the ring into the vagina, respectively, the contours of an individual woman's body, and unlike the aperture ring does not need to be installed around the cervix. 

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A complex of physical, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of human existence, enrich people, enhancing communication skills and the ability to love. An important and necessary condition for sexual and reproductive health in general is a pair of sexual harmony, by which is meant the ability to adapt sexologists their sexual behavior to the behavior of a partner. In modern sexology highlighted the many indicators of sexual health, and one of the most important quality indicators of a sexual satisfaction for both men and ...
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