Being a single mother raising two daughters, I wanted to know more about birth control. Is it safe for myself and for my daughters for when they grow up? Many women do not consider the dangerous side effects when committing to a type of birth control. How do you know which one is right for you? We need to go back to the days when people practiced abstinence. This would reduce the increasing numbers in STD's & it would teach our children better values.
Contraceptives encompass any chemical agency, pharmaceutical or apparatus that prevents pregnancy, rendering impregnation effectively impossible. There are numerous types or kinds of contraceptive methods. Those encompass tablet types, abstinence, male and female condoms, spermicidal, patches and injections.
Abstinence is voluntarily not taking part in any sexual activity. Abstinence is the only pattern of contraceptive that will prevent pregnancy and sexually conveyed diseases at 100 percent. (Hatcher 2004)
NFP is a fertility perception method and entails Natural Family Planning. In NFP no pharmaceuticals or apparatus are utilized to prevent pregnancy. NFP monitors the menstrual cycle to assess when ovulation will occur. In NFP the woman takes and notes her basal body warmth and tests for thinning in the cervical mucus every day. NFP needs abstinence or seven to 10 days throughout the ovulation time span to prevent pregnancy. Some twosomes select to have sex throughout this time utilizing another method of contraceptive, for example condoms or spermicidal.
Barrier Methods
Barrier methods halt sperm from going into the woman's uterus and can defend contrary to sexually conveyed diseases. The most widespread barricade method is the male condom. The male condom generally is made of latex rubber and rolls up on the penis before sexual activity. The female condom, though not as widespread as the male condom, is furthermore a barricade method. This condom is 7 inches long and made of polyurethane, it has two flexible rings and inserts into the vagina before sexual activity. The treatment of the female condom encompasses the cervix, vaginal canal and the communicate locality round the vagina. (Severy 2003)
Spermicidal arrive in the pattern of foams, jellies, foaming tablets and vaginal suppositories. Spermicidal are chemicals that are inserted into the vagina to murder sperm made a down fee there, and they offer little to no defense contrary to sexually conveyed diseases, counting on the ingredients.
A diaphragm is supple, formed like a dome and extends over a flexible ring. A spermicidal elite or a jelly is directed interior the dome before sexual activity. The diaphragm should be inserted in the vagina and put over the cervix not less than three hours before sexual intercourse.
Birth Control and its Future
Contraceptive methods furthermore arrive in the pattern of birth command tablets, injections, inserts and patches that sway hormone grades in women. A birth command tablet is taken each day, and it should be prescribed by ...