Conflict In Action

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Conflict In Action

Conflict in Action

Conflict that occurred in the first group relates to conflict between team members of the same group due to inter-personal differences. Second conflict that I had to address relates to inter-departmental conflict. Two letters presented below shows that steps that can be taken by each group to diffuse these conflicts.

Letter 1 - Intra-Group Conflict


Brand Management Team

XYZ Corporation

Dear All Team Members,

Every group is characterized as having a central goal which unifies the actions and resources of the team members based on their achievement. Achievement of goals is the main objective of the group and therefore the goal influences how the group is structured and how it is managed. The way in which individuals within groups understand the main objective is crucial to explain their actions within the group. In many contexts, this highlights the difference between team members in terms of how they understand the focus of the group is an important element for the generation of conflict.

While working as a team, group performance is dependent on the actions of all team members. Work interdependence between groups members in an organization depend on each other to do their jobs (Cowan, 2003). In these cases, the chances of conflict are very high. Interdependence of the group activities requires direct interaction between group members, because each one acts independently, but has simultaneous impact on the group goals achievement. The combined performance of all team members decides the success of the group. Interdependence requires completion of a working group so that another can do the same. In these circumstances, when the end product of a group is the input for another, there is greater potential for a conflict (Dreu, 2008). More complex hierarchy of the group increases the potential for conflict and task achievement becomes more difficult.

Personal differences between team members and cultural differences act as a key factor for the intra-group conflict between group members. The work force of the organizations at present has cultural diversity and it is, therefore, that people create differences and segregate other employees based on the cultural background he or she belongs (Cloke & Goldsmith, 2000). Working in an environment that is not only competitive but employees are to abide to the differences of culture, language and even etiquettes many a times creates problems are the employees starts taking it personally.

Following steps can be taken to resolve the conflict. All team members should show ...
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