Comparing The Uk And The Usa

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Comparing the UK and the USA

Comparing the UK and the USA


The United Kingdom and the United States of America are two dissimilar conglomerates of states in the world. They share several features in common however there are also a number of differences between them as in the languages, the styles, the education systems, the diversity and more which would be discussed in this paper.


The USA has a constitutional and federal republic type of government whereas the UK has a constitutional monarchy parliament government inculcated within. In this respect, the head of the state together with the legislative bodies are nominated by the citizens of the US into the office. They perform their roles being the officials of the government under the code of constitution that is already set. On the other hand, the United Kingdom has its sovereign acting like the head of state and the ultimate authority is not vested upon this sovereign since usually there is an accordingly nominated distinct head of the government which makes uses of the political authorities. As in the United States, these leaders preserve a law set in the shape of a constitution. The political systems of the UK as well as the US have a lower and an upper house, a court system, and a head of the state. The two have constitutions which outline the regulations for the rights of the people and the government. Both the nations have democratic types of systems wherein the governments are set up and replaced from the authority by the determination of the citizens and each of the two has a system entailing checks and balances for limiting the authority by any one branch (


The US and the UK share several common values and their peoples basically speak the same ...
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