How effective are Bank's Housing Finance strategies in getting people housed?
Comparison of selected banks in UK, USA, and India
I would take this opportunity to thank my research supervisor, family and friends for their support and guidance without which this research would not have been possible.
I, [type your full first names and surname here], declare that the contents of this dissertation/thesis represent my own unaided work, and that the dissertation/thesis has not previously been submitted for academic examination towards any qualification. Furthermore, it represents my own opinions and not necessarily those of the University.
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It is the obligation of every country to identify the needs of the population in housing and the design of the necessary legislative and fiscal measures in each case to ensure this right to each of its citizens in United Kingdom. For the proper design of these measures, an analysis of reality is required. The regular collection of information and further analysis will provide the guidelines necessary to develop an accurate portrayal of weaknesses and priorities in each area. The research also presents possible explanations for the recent risen in house financing and the strategies use by banks. The researcher starts from how individual household decide its home-ownership to analyzing cost structure of homeowners. Home finance loans in India are classified into two types: secured and unsecured, step by step, in the form of loans with or without exercise by centralizing its guarantees accordingly. The research focuses on the recent changes (rising) in the House financing in several dimensions in UK, US and India. Since the government began to adopt policies to promote home-ownership during the Great Depression, home-ownership in US has been increased. In fact, the rate increased steadily until reaching 64% in 1965. For the next 30 years, the rate was stable around 65% level even with various policies at all levels of government tried to encourage house financing by Banks. The housing stock in UK amounted to a total of 486 dwellings per 1,000 populations (2.1 persons per household). This is the second country among all which has been analyzed with a larger housing stock and with 27 dwellings per 1,000 people above the European average. United States has a relatively high rate of home-ownership rate. By comparing with data, our simulated model can match quantitatively the hump shape of home-ownership and increasing stock holding shares for owners and renters over the life cycle. Furthermore, the research is based on qualitative methodology. Secondary data was used to collect information about banks and their strategies. The research, then analyze the data through qualitative methodology. Furthermore, the researcher discuses the research aims and objective and elaborate it by taking helps from the literature and defined the housing finance strategies used in US and India. Then the researcher analyzes the performance of three banks along with their house financing strategies that had been chosen for the study namely: Royal Bank of Scotland, Bank of America and State Bank of ...