Community Health Nurses Role In Health Planning Implementation And Evaluation

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Community Health Nurses Role in Health Planning Implementation and Evaluation

Community Health Nurses Role in Health Planning Implementation and Evaluation


Public health nurses are responsible for the involvement of the community in the health programs and they are required to have knowledge about the entire population. They are involved in translating and articulating the health experience of the patients and they also make sure that all the health related issues of the population are looked at and people can communicate with the nurse. With all these attributes and as they are working closely with the patients, they are expected to play a big role in the planning, evaluation and implementation of the healthcare initiatives and program,

Community Health Nurse's Role in Health Planning

Nurses are expected to play a greater role in the management of the healthcare affairs and planning of the healthcare division (American Nurses Association, 2010). While it has been noticed that they are doing an efficient job as far as their day to day activities are concerned, they should make an effort to ensure that they are the part of the planning process. They can play their role in reducing the number of medical errors that are increasing by taking part in the overall planning process. The can promote wellness of the patients and they must also make sure that they play their part in reducing the overall costs of the treatment (Minkler & Wallerstein, 2010).

The most important role that they are expected to play is that they must make sure that they emerge as opinion leaders of sort when planning phase is carried out. The biggest advantage that these nurses have is that they are monitoring all the daily activities, so if they have any input, there is a fair chance that it will be coming from their ...
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