Describing The Community Health Nurse's Role

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Describing the Community Health Nurse's Role

Describing the Community Health Nurse's Role


Community health nurses intend to give community health promotion service in a selected area. The selected area is assigned according to the values and aims of the authority. They work for the prevention of disease, preservation of health and generally for the complete health and comfort of community. They can offer services in health station, community halls, schools and their purpose is to deliver a healthy way of life. They can facilitate the people individually or in teams (Newberry, C. 2011).

Community health nurses face daunting challenges when it comes to defining their roles both in the community and within the profession of nursing. Ervin (2007) contends that although community health nurses represent a unique and essential component of patient care there is often obfuscation regarding the level at which care is provided. Specifically, Ervin asserts that for all community health nurses, assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation are key issues of concern. The challenge arises with understanding that all aspects of the community nurse's role can and should be carried out at the family, group, community and population levels (Ervin, 2007). Given this reality the role of the community health nurse is notably complex (Savage, et al. 2006), leading to the need to define this role more succinctly. Using this as a foundation for investigation, the current research considers the community health nurse's role in health planning, implementation and evaluation.

Role Description

Health Planning

Considering first the role of the community nurse in health planning, it seems reasonable to argue that the nurse's role in this area focuses on acquiring a broader understanding of the factors which influence community health. Carnegie and Kiger (2010) in their examination of the community health nurse argue that in order to develop programs that are effective for protecting the health of the individual family and community, efforts are needed to address broader environmental, social and economic issues which have implications for each of the groups or levels receiving care under the community health nurse. As a result of this situation, care must be planned with an understanding of the myriad of issues which can and do impact outcomes for each of the populations receiving care (Carnegie & Kiger, 2010).

Community nurse promotes the adaptation of those principles, approaches and behaviors that are necessary for the population health that is provided through public policy and actions that are restricted to community only (Butler D, 2008). Community nurses sustain the public policy planning and the risky environments. They promote the skill construction in communities, families and other individuals and help in planning a prosperous future for everyone. They work on the individual plans that can also be extended to families and communities so that it can be easy to bring the change in the society (CPHA). Health planning for the community nurse is thus notably dynamic and challenging (Carnegie & Kiger, 2010). However it is clear that this process is one that is also more comprehensive in terms of the ...
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