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Effective and ethical communication at work

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The paper explores the topic of Communication at work place. It focuses on the concept of effective communication, that how communication can be made effective at work place. Further it examines the ethical dilemmas of communication in an organization. Communication is not only the basis of human thought, it is the means by which each of us develops an individual pattern of beliefs, attitudes, and values the personal attributes that bring us to understand, misunderstand, accept, or reject others who are like or unlike ourselves. Communicating well or badly at work can spell the distinction between success and failure in business connections.

Table of Content




Communication Techniques1

Effective Communication2


Intellectual Reflection5

Ethical Communication6


Certification of Authorship10Effective and Ethical Communication at Work


Communication is the act of communicating or transmitting information or knowledge to someone. It can also be defined as the exchange of dialogue. The word communication means as the content of what is communicated or being in a relationship with someone. In sociology and linguistics, communication is the set of phenomena that can occur when a person transmits information to one or more other individuals using the spoken language or other codes (tone of voice, gesture, gaze, breathing, etc.). The science of communication is to conceptualize and rationalize the process of exchange, transmission of information between two entities. These two entities can be individuals and groups of people or machines. The act of effective and ethical communication within the organization of different levels can be obtained by spoken words or by other means. An effective communication includes gestures, appearance, body language, positioning and facial expressions. It is important to be aware of non-verbal communication when interacting with the employees at work. A manager can have several reasons to communicate with the employees and it is important that communication should be done effectively without misapprehension other or being misinterpreted by employees, and it must be ethical too.


Communication Techniques

There are several communication techniques which a manager can use in communicating with his/her employees. Horizontal communication is a process of exchange of information between employees at the same level. Such communication is to share the results of operations; experience and personal information. Vertical communication is an exchange of information between employees of different ranks, for example, between supervisor and subordinate. Upward communication is a process of transmission of any information on the performers to the head. This kind of communication most often takes the form of any reports. Downward communication is a process of information transfer from leader to subordinate, for example, transfer of staff guidance for external communication is the exchange of information occurs between the enterprise and the environment. In this way, a manager can communicate with his/her employees in order to work toward productivity and a collaborative office environment.

Effective Communication

The quality of information has a great impact on communication processes, especially for communicating with employees. Today information is regarded as a global process that is associated with dramatic changes. That is why skills should be used in efficient manner ensuring ...
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