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Communication In Organizations

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Communication in Organizations

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Communications in Organizations1



Communication in Organizations4

Major Concepts in Communication5

Active Listening5

Organizational Culture7

Conflict Resolution8

Key Principles of Human Communication9








Formal and Informal Communication11

Importance of Concepts in Successful Communication12

Implementation within the Organization12




In today's globalized world of competition and technology; everyone realizes the importance of communication in organizations. Communication is the lifeblood of every organization. In this paper, we would discuss the various concepts that are vital to the effective functioning of an organization. Their relationship to the overall effectiveness of the organization would be discussed. An attempt would be made to suggest strategies for implementing the communication concepts in the everyday operations of an organization.


Effective Communication is vital to the success of any organization. Communication plays a vital role in the effective functioning of any organization. It allows the employees to share information and data in a timely manner and to proceed with the routine operations in the organization. The basic management functions i.e. planning, controlling, organizing are made possible with the help of communication. Communication could be defined as “exchange of information between two or more people” (Redding et. al, 2007).

Communication in Organizations

The managers, employees and executives of the company all make use of communication, its key principles and functions in order to complete their daily tasks/jobs. It allows the managers to perform their duties in the given time frame. In fact, communication plays a major role in the initiation of organizational planning. Every management official is well aware of the role played by planning in the success of any organization (Weick, 1988). The vital information should be communicated to the employees in due course of time. The managers are then responsible to develop adequate plans and making sure they are implemented to the best of their abilities. The function of organizing also requires adequate communication with fellow employees and to concerned people. Hence, managers and leaders of the organization should make sure that there exists effective communication in all tiers of the organization i.e. horizontal, vertical, formal and informal. No organization can function effectively if there is no quality verbal or non-verbal communication.

Due to advancements in the field of technology and business, the managers and employees in organizations pay special attention to the communication process in the organization. According to a recent study, employees spend approximately a little over 6 hours each day on communication. It involves written and verbal communication. Also, in modern organizations, a good deal of time is spent communicating on emails, phone and internet as well. The executives and managers also use written communication i.e. company's newsletters, memos and other formal forms of communication in an organizational setting.

Major Concepts in Communication

Active Listening

The process of active listening refers to a communication technique which requires the listener to reply to the initiator of the conversation; by paraphrasing or restating what was actually said. The response has to be in the person's own words, but should contain every element of the message. Active listening ensures an understanding by all parties involved in ...
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