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In medicine, informed consent or enlightened consent is the formal medical procedure which aims apply the principle of patient autonomy, ie the obligation to respect patients as individuals and to honor their preferences for medical care. In some cases, such as physical examination by a physician, consent is implied and understood. For more invasive procedures or those associated with significant risks or alternatives that are involved, informed consent must be submitted in writing and signed by the patient.

Under certain circumstances, there are exceptions to informed consent. The most frequent cases are medical emergencies which require immediate medical attention to prevent serious or irreversible damage, and in cases where by reason of incompetence, the subject is not able to give or deny permission for an examination or treatment. (Wang, 2000)

Informed consent (IC) must be understood as acceptance by a competent patient diagnostic or therapeutic procedure after having the right information to engage freely in the clinical decision. The basic requirements are: freedom, competition and sufficient information. Therefore, it should be seen as a result of the clinical relationship, always based on two pillars irreplaceable and unmistakable: the confidence and the reporting process more or less complex. Would have to promote understanding of the proposed procedure, to say what the possible alternatives, timing and expected results (with benefits, consequences and risks), in order to reach a decision, choice, acceptance or rejection. (Solomon, 2006)

Presentation: Speaking

Both the General Health Law (1986) and Planning Act Health of Catalonia (1990) a firm commitment to promote a care model centered on the humanization of health services to maintain the utmost respect for the dignity and individual freedom. In this model, the highest level of participation people is based on the necessary background information to help reflect and assess the appropriateness of undergoing interventions assistance offered to him. The deepening and consolidation of this model of care, which has more into account the wishes and desires of the patient, needs some ripening time you have to allow translation into a set specific practices. For some time all health centers in Catalonia have worked strongly for introducing the so-called informed consent (CI) and many of them has prompted a debate and a reflection of health professionals in the introduction of a practice not only formal, but also contribute decisively to real change habits and attitudes. The former Bioethics Advisory Commission, Committee today Bioethics Catalonia, contributed to this debate and reflection ...
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