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What is communication?

In Scientology, communication has been characterised - an accomplishment that has directed to a much deeper comprehending of life itself.

Communication, in essence, is the move of an element from one part of space to another part of space. An element is the thing being communicated. It can be an object, an in writing note, a voiced phrase or an idea. In its crudest delineation, this is communication (Brown 2001).

This straightforward outlook of communication directs to the full definition:

Communication is the concern and activity of impelling an impulse or element from source-point over an expanse to receipt-point, with the aim of conveying into being at the receipt-point a replication and comprehending of that which emanated from the source-point.

Duplication is the proceed of duplicating certain thing exactly. Emanated entails “came forth.”

The equation of communication is origin, expanse, and result, with aim, vigilance and replication with understanding.

The delineation and equation of communication open the doorway to comprehending this subject. By dissecting communication into its constituent components, we can outlook the function of each and therefore more apparently realise the whole (Cope 2007).



Different communication Styles





How to Recognize:

They get excited.

They like their own way; resolute & powerful viewpoints.

They like affirmative vigilance, to be cooperative & to be considered warmly.

They request many of facts and numbers inquire numerous inquiries, act methodically & systematically.

Tends to Ask:

Who? (the individual superior question)

What (the outcomes oriented question.)

Why? (The individual non-goal question.)

How? (The mechanical analytical question.)

What They Dislike:

Boring explanations/wasting time with too numerous facts.

Someone trashing their time seeking to conclude for them.

Rejection, treated impersonally, uncaring & unfeeling attitudes.

Making a mistake, being unprepared, spontaneity.

Reacts to Pressure and Tension By:

"Selling" their concepts or argumentative.

Taking ascribe taking more control.

Becoming quiet, removes, introspective.

Seeking more facts and numbers & information.

Best way to Deal With:

Get stimulated with them. Show emotion.

Let them be in ...
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