Cognitive Psychology

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Cognitive Psychology


Cognitive Psychological is concerned with the acquisition of knowledge through a process. This study is about the aspect of cognitive psychology and how the researchers have applied different theories in their research. It is important to learn the process an implement these processes into research.Cognitive Psychology


The articles chosen will be critically analyzed in order look if the research is covers the main aspects of the module. Three article are chosen, “Personality traits, intelligence, humor styles, and humor production ability of professional stand-up comedians compared to college students”, “Problem-solving variability in older spouses: How is it linked to problem-, person-, and couple characteristics?” and “Measurements, causes, and effects of creativity.”


Memory models and process

There are many theories on how the knowledge is represented and how it organizes in the mind. Attaining knowledge is a process of which the success can be checked by knowing the retention of the knowledge. Organization and representation of the information has a major impact on the process of retrieving and retaining information(Sternberg & Mio, 2009). The most fundamental concept is semantic networks which is basic way of connecting the concept in memory. There are number of types of knowledge, and the most different one are procedural and declarative knowledge. Procedural is the kind of knowledge that is linked with the ability to perform a task whereas declarative refers to a persons' memory for facts and concepts.

Language acquisition and contextual influences

There are many factors that affect the learning. Other than language, some contextual factors such as social and individual has an impact on learning. It is important for the research to be in the language that will cater to target market. The target language influences the perception of different countries. The contextual setting that includes structural setting also has an impact on the cognitive learning.

Problem solving

In cognitive psychology problem solving is basically the mental process that the individuals go through to discover, assess and solve the problems. There are various mental processes involved for example one needs recognize the problem then represent the problem in the memory. According to a study done on variability in problem solving in older spouses they used 98 older spouses and by repeated daily life assessment method found out that variability in problem solving is situated on the situation of problem. More likely people used proactive emotion and collaboration in problem solving in social rather non social issues. Findings of the study ...
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