Cognitive Psychology

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Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Psychology


The human brain comprises of two unique processing which are known as automatic processing and controlled processing. This processing is the theme of the psychology literature. This is also known as dual processing. It is normally studied for the retrieval of attitudes from long term memory. Both the processing has differences according to psychological researchers. There is an empirical theory on understanding automatic and controlled processing. The human long term memory performs and results from the interplay between controlled and automatic processing. All these issues will be discussed in detail in this topic (Uleman, 1989, p.131).

Basic difference between Controlled and Automatic Processing

In order to critically examine, the distinction between automatic and controlled processing we must first know the description of both terms. Automatic processing is described as the activation of sequences of nodes, which normally becomes active in response to an input configuration. It activates automatically without the necessity of activation controls or attention by the subject. The automatic attention response is the unique automotive process that directs attention to target stimuli. On the other hand, controlled process is defined as temporary sequences of nodes activated under control of and attended by the subject. They have a limited capacity. The differences between automatic and controlled processing are primarily studied using extended consistent mapping training. The consistent mapping task is defined as responses to the stimuli sustained across extended period. In consistent mapping, the automatic process could develop steadily as repeated stimulus attends. Complete automatic processing normally requires hundreds of trail to develop. Under varied mapping training, the relation of stimuli to response mapping varies differently. With varied mapping, the previous and current association is incompatible and this is the reason why it develops automatic attention responses (Gotlib, Kurtzman, Blehar, 1997, 602).

Application of Automatic and Controlled Processing

It is important to learn any information processed in working memory. In working memory, mental acidities take place. It also has a cognitive structure that has limited capacity and duration. There is usually limited information in working memory. It could be low if it combines or processes concurrently. Information that is successfully processed in the working memory apprehends the long term memory. In comparison with the working memory, long term memory is immense and has no limits. Paradoxically, knowledge of the volume and significance of this cognitive structure initially came from researches into problem solving expertise, an area originally not thought to be associated with long term memory. Significant factors in the learning are transformation of schematic knowledge from controlled to automatic processes. Most of the learning task typically requires substantial conscious efforts and accordingly make robust demand on working memory. A child may have a schema for the word dog, but may have widespread conscious thoughts to recognise and categorize it (Kellogg, 1995, p.19).

In the long term memory, controlled processes are voluntary control operations that require attention resources and expenditures perceived subjectively. They are sensitive to the limitations of available and appropriate resources to address new ...
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