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Coca-Cola - Manifesto for Growth4









Market Position of Coca Cola in the US:5

Key Success Factors9

Performance of Coca Cola Relative to its Competitors9

SWOT Analysis11





Coca-Cola Marketing13

Environmental Analysis15




Coca-Cola is a leading manufacturer and marketer of soft drink, juices, and other drinks. The company trades on the New York Exchange. Coca-Cola is a profitable company. Coca-Cola is a global company which is operating in the industry of soft-drinks. Coca-Cola has a global manufacturing network and the company is affected by different economic factors.

According to Aaker (1991), marketing is an important function of a business. Currently, the global market is saturated with a number of companies which are disseminating marketing messages in order to reach customers. The beverage industry is also characterized with intense competition. In order to differentiate themselves, beverage companies build up their brands. Companies are focusing on different factors which can be used to increase sales. Companies like Coca Cola have paid significant attention to align their branding and packaging strategies. The brand and packaging are important factors because they have an impact on consumer behavior.

Coca cola, founded in the United States, has been in the business since May 1886. In 1990s, Coca-Cola was one of the most valued companies globally and was known as a very fruitful management team. As the world's leading beverage firm today, Coca-Cola has commercial operation to over 200 nations found in Eurasia, Africa, Europe, North America, Latin America and Pacific, presenting a collection of 500 brands and 3300 beverage products.

Coca Cola is a global business that produces and sells, beverage, and similar products. It has the rights of the Coke brand. The company relies on its bottling associates for the production, packing, sale and supply of its branded drinks to customers and marketing associates. The Business Week (2009) acknowledged Coca Cola as one of the 50 companies that have proved greater performance for 2009. Coca Cola was graded 26th in the BW 50 and was recognized as the best brand name by the Inter brand, a branding consultancy, in 2009 and 2010.This information indicates that the company attained outstanding performance among other companies in the FMCG sector. It can be said that Coca Cola is finest in its business in terms of success and some other measure (Albaum, Strandskov & Duerr, 2002, pp. 65).

Coca-Cola holds consumers across the globe. As one of the renowned businesses internationally, Coca Cola presently is trading at a reasonable price. Towards the end of 2009, the firm has published an 8.7 profits growth, earning growth of 11%, and cash flow growth of 11%. In 2010, their net operating profit reaches US$35 billion, with an approximate 13% growth.

Coca-Cola's products are always considered as junk food as they are high in calories and sugar content and are considered as one of the key reasons of obesity in developed states. Such negative publicity could unfavorably influence the firm's brand image and the demand for Coca-Cola products and also on the firm's development prospects globally.

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